I was inspired to create 'My Life' so I could finally share a personal part of my life beyond my music.

God comes first - if I don't love him, I can't love anybody, and if I can't love me I can't love nobody.

I wouldn't adopt, but what I will do is give my time and go and try to be there for people.

I didn't never have to go to a therapist. I just always put it in a song and you heard me.

My responsibility to God is to live. That's the gift he gave me.

I remember a time when all my fans were crying and sad and going through hell. Now, we're trying to uplift each other and accept ourselves for who we are, even if nobody else does.

I've just been growing right along. It's painful, but it's a great pain, and I like suffering for great results. It's like going to the gym. It hurts really bad at first, but after a couple of months and after that diet, you're looking so hot.

When you hold on to anger and unforgiveness, you can't move forward.

'My Life' is not an autobiography. It's just music.

I have to have lemon and honey. I have to have apple cider vinegar, Braggs. And I have to have either Red Vines or Twizzlers. These things, you know, are the things that help my vocal performance.

I like hanging out with me, and I've accepted everything about me good, bad whatever it is. That's why I'm able to, that's why no one can tell me anything negative about myself.

Growing up, I was the preferred hairstylist for all of my friends.

People know what they see but they don't know what's happening inside. If you want to know who you are and how you feel about yourself, take a look at your environment.

I'm my worst critic, and I like the fact that I can listen to myself now and make fun of myself, listen, make changes - 'Oh, man, that's messed up. Okay, I need to work on that; I need to work on this.'

I can tell you I didn't feel good when I could not articulate properly. Getting my GED was important and I want other women to feel that.

My first album is playful.

I listen to gospel music.

There are people out there who want to provoke me and bring back the old Mary but I'm not giving them the satisfaction.

I cannot save the world; that's not what I'm trying to do. I guess I'm just trying to walk the walk and be an example to those that want it. Not everybody does, but if Mary J. Blige can come out of that same hole you were in, then you can do it, too - that's my goal: to do that without saying it, but actually live it.

My journey continues, because I've, you know, conquered a lot. And I know how to conquer the rest.

If you're not confident in yourself, you're going to waver. I've wavered, and I've lost.

'My Life' is soft, with notes of pear and gardenia, but still bold, with a woody base.

When you tell your truth, you are coming from a real place, so you are automatically a leader.

I always want to be a messenger, a person that, you know, that's not afraid to pass on wisdom.