Our true fans won't go anywhere. Hopefully they will be open-minded towards how we are growing as musicians and as women.

I wouldn't have been in the mind-set to do another 'Fly.'

I think there's a lot of things that need to be changed in the business.

We want to make music, and we won't become jaded by the business aspect of what we do.

I'd rather have a smaller following of really cool people who get it, who will grow with us as we grow and are fans for life, than people that have us in their five-disc changer with Reba McEntire and Toby Keith.

Family comes first.

I neglected a lot of loving relationships to pursue this ultimate goal - success.

When, no matter what you do, everybody's going to punch holes in it, then you just go and you do what you want. And that's the most freeing place to be.

We write constantly. It's nice to have more to pick from and we pitch songs to other artists, so it's not always songs for us.

I'd love my kids to get into music, but I want them to understand the commitment involved. I don't want them to look on 'American Idol' as the way to become famous.

Lilith Fair was a great experience for us the first time we played it. We were... not a new band, but a new band as far as mainstream kind of airplay or success.

We don't feel part of the country scene any longer, it can't be our home any more... So we now consider ourselves part of the big Rock 'n' Roll family.

We all know there are some major problems in the music industry. Every new act signs a bad deal.

I think you first have to feel 100% comfortable with the person that you are with. I have written in sessions where I am just meeting the person for the first time and it is extremely difficult.

Emmylou Harris is just the biggest influence of mine musically, her and Dolly Parton.

Ever since I was a little girl music was my escape and it was something that I did and was a huge part of me; aside from what my grades were in school. It was something that was truly mine.

I don't mind talking about the Dixie Chicks, because I feel like it's still alive and kicking.

I was concerned about being 40 and for my 40th birthday my wish was to go see Cher, and I got to meet her.

I don't really enjoy singing lead.

We are bound to make mistakes.

Don't put celebrities up on this pedestal. We are human beings.

I think for a while, a lot of artists were doing great things that... were broadening the audience so that country was cool.

We didn't like the idea of Dixie Chick action figures. I mean that's just the kiss of death for a group. How could a hip teenager enjoy the Dixie Chicks while their little sister is playing with a Martie doll in the other room?

I want our fans to get their money's worth. If they are going to spend $40 to come to a show, it has to be good, from beginning to end. I like razzle-dazzle; we all do.