Adolescence in our culture for a young woman, for a girl, is a hard road.

I have a history, and I am proud of my legacy as a songwriter, all of the songs that I've brought forth into our culture. I'm proud of that.

I'm enough of a southeast Texas boy - there's enough white trash in my blood that when somebody gives me money to make a record, I feel like I have to please them instead of myself.

As a songwriter, metaphor is instinctual.

With 'Fate's Right Hand,' I think I reached a level of completeness in forming and articulating ideas at around the same time I reached a place where I could match it with my singing voice. It was a kind of coming together.

I've said very openly that the first aspect of my artistry to arrive was writing. It took me a good number of years to find my voice.

Life can be either of two things: What it makes of you or what you make of it.

I'm very proud of my well-earned wrinkles, so show 'em.

Surely if God had meant us to do yoga, he would have put our heads behind our knees.

I am a man of contradictions, I suppose.

If there's one thing I've learned about women, which I try to pass on to my boys, it's listening. Listen to the other side of the story first.

Well, I have a CBE and I accepted it with glee because it's not bestowed on you by the royal family, it's not bestowed on you by the government, you have to be nominated by the public.

You know my wife, she's 6 ft 1 she can beat anyone up.

You shouldn't be in the music business if you're posing.

I was never a good-looking bloke. Not by a long chalk.

I'm just delighted that this woman I love can be a mum again.

I enjoy a glass of wine, and I love my football. I suppose it's because I'm a real working-class.

Brewing a good cuppa is something not everyone can do, and I loathe bad tea.

I had this little handheld transistor radio that I used to sleep next to.

My father, being a Scotsman, taught me to look after finances. I'm shrewd. Some people may call me tight.

I'm a rock star because I couldn't be a soccer star.

Half the battle is selling music, not singing it. It's the image, not what you sing.

I see myself at 7:30 in the morning and it's not too pretty.

You know I think I could give a little more back to charity.