My weirdest scent association is probably Axe Body Spray, because every boy I know wears that stuff, and the smell is so specific! And the loud noise when you spray it! My little brother used to wear it, and the whole house would reek of it for days.

I'm not perfect. I'm not polished.

We don't really have any big family traditions; just spending time with each other is the most important part.

'Dear Society' really is my letter to society where I express the anguish I've been caused from such an image-based industry and culture we live in.

I always make sure my lashes look cute.

My everyday scent is a unisex perfume by Le Labo.

The song 'Tyler Durden' is about the movie 'Fight Club,' so obviously, it's not a personal experience, but I love that song. It's my favorite song.

The most beautiful people are those who are truly themselves, and that's what I want to show my fans.

People say I'm too skinny, but if I gain a little weight, they say I look chubby. You can't please everyone. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

To be considered for the hottest breakthrough MC of 2011, it's obviously an honor, but I want to be the hottest.

I'm trying to be the Dr. Dre of Cleveland.

Imogen Poots loves music to death and can literally name 300 bands that she listens to, that you've never heard. She's so heavy into the underground music scene. When she's speaking on music, she means it.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't really care anymore what people think about me. I'm just gonna be me.

There's blackballing involved with Machine Gun Kelly, a lot of confusion about who I am as an artist. But that's so small in the wake of someone like Nelson Mandela.

There really are a lot of stereotypes I fight.

'Cleveland' went viral, but it didn't necessarily pop. I didn't have that support. I didn't have a deal when I made 'Cleveland' or anything like that.

I think the artist community is very tight-knit.

I'm very personal with my music, and it takes a piece of your heart away every time you record that in the studio. So you only have so many pieces of your heart to give away.

Doing 'Roadies' was a big release for me. I play this character named Wes who's the most pure, innocent form of who I was when I was eighteen searching for something.

I'm from Cleveland. I don't have any famous parents. I don't have any media training, I don't have a history in the industry to where I would have any preconceived notions of how I'm supposed to be.

My view on music and the way that it's portrayed is that it's a religion.

When I came into the industry, and as I continue to be in it, part of my authenticity is the fact that I speak my mind.

I've graced almost every stage in N.Y., from Webster Hall to Gramercy Theater to Best Buy.

I'm not one of those acts where it's, like, this mainstream person, where the average white kid at Harvard University is like, 'It's educational tonight. Let's all go out there and spend Dad's money.'