I know who I am, and I know my story, and the things that I talk about are authentic and real, and I always say this: I'd rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I'm not.

Success doesn't make you happy.

Forever, for me, it was just about trying to make it and become a known person and loved and revered in hip-hop and the culture. But then ,I even realized that that isn't really important. What's mainly important is just the fans and the connection that you have as a man and an artist.

From tours to mixing, mastering, graphics, artwork - I've done out of pocket.

On the song 'Buried Alive,' it's almost like the instrumental is a therapist.

I truly believe that if I'm out partying and not in the studio, there's somebody out there who will be. When I'm asleep, somebody else is working. So, I have a lot of sleepless nights.

Black folk who don't realize I'm mixed will treat me like I'm some racist person, or when white people find out I'm black, they treat me with racism, and I don't feel like I belong or fit in anywhere.

You can't put my talents in a box because my talents have put me in a mansion, and I'll be damned if anybody in the world can tell me what I can or cannot do, because they're scared to do it themselves.

By the time you get what you always wanted, you want something else.

I grew up on Wu-Tang and Tribe and Nas, all the raw, very New York-driven music. Then when I got older - in my late teens, early twenties - and that's when I started to listen to Drake and J. Cole, and so it wasn't just East-coast.

Drake doesn't realize, in many ways, he was like the big brother I never had. He set the example and paved the way for me to be myself. Now, whether I'm at the Grammys or whether I'm here or there or whatever, he'll show me love... People don't realize what that's like, what that means.

If you come to a Logic show, you get all creeds, colors, religions, and sexual orientations.

The biggest part of why I am where I am today is not only because people can relate to me and my story but because I hit the road and actually saw them face to face and shook their hands.

Be not scared to use your voice.

Not to sound cliche, but some of the first things that I bought were for my homies and my team: making sure the people that helped me and ensured my security and safety during my come-up, while I was broke, had the opportunity to be okay.

Anybody who loves what they do, they're constantly doing it all the time. So I'm constantly working.

I wake up every day, make awesome music with awesome people, and tour the world, which is incredible.

Everyone's going to like something that's different.

Hate is ugly.

I got songs about being broke, being on welfare, being poor, Section 8.

I was really scared to make this album and to make this song. Because I didn't want to talk about it. For me, it's even deeper than just '1-800.' 'Everybody' as a whole... I was terrified.

Women are as precious as they are stronger than any man that I have met.

I'm not Tupac or this prophetic dude or anything like that. I just want to make music and have fun.

When I was, like, 18, that's when I started to really take my own craft seriously and just noticed people were enjoying it. And when I put out my first mixtape, that's when I realized I could make this a career.