That was one thing about my life and everything I've done really, it's like I've been on a diving board scared out of my life and someone just keeps pushing me!

It's always been the same from a long time ago, it's people with promises and people dangling carrots and when you're young and impressionable, and ambitious, you want to believe them. I was always lucky because there was always part of me that didn't believe these people.

You can make a whole album on your telephone, you can make an amazing video too!

You have to say no to a lot of people and when a lot of people are telling you what you're doing is a bit rubbish you just have to have the courage to say 'no it isn't' and believe in it.

I do admire a lot of artists now who are completely multi-faceted - they're doing seven different jobs all at once and it doesn't seem to faze them whatsoever. It just astonishes me completely and I have nothing but admiration for them.

You can't have artistic freedom if you have to think about seven different aspects of your own job all the time. It must be very, very exhausting.

I feel so comfortable and at home in the studio.

People say to me about my music 'it got me through college, it saved my marriage, it helped me to come out.' It's wonderful to be part of someone's life in a big way.'

I don't want to do something just to be on TV. If I did I might as well just go on and put a meat pie on my head! If I go on TV I want to be doing something I want to do.

I don't watch 'The X Factor,' I don't watch 'The Voice,' so I wouldn't want to do them.

I really don't have an interest in it and people think I'm a freak because I'm not obsessed by 'Strictly Come Dancing' but it just doesn't appeal to me. I'm really sorry but I can't get into it. You get treated like a complete pariah if you don't like things like that!

It's quite amazing how obsessed everyone is by 'Strictly Come Dancing.' I don't watch it so I don't know anything about it.

The first writers I knew about were Motown's Holland-Dozier-Holland.

Deeper' feels like we did when we made the first few albums. It's got that excitement. It felt like a voyage of discovery.

We never want to toe the line.

I'd like to have more tolerance.

I like to keep everyone happy. I feel like it's my responsibility to do that.

My bed is my weird little haven. It's like a deflated tent.

A really happy kid. I would go off on my own a lot and live in my imagination. When I got my school report back it always said, 'Lisa should try a little harder because she always seems to be in a different world from everyone else.'

Some women can go 12 cycles of IVF and not have a problem. They love babies. They want to have a baby - it's all encompassing. I did it just three times and then I was out. I realised that I didn't want a child.

The fame thing made me run - it got out of hand and I needed to go away.

You know that something is good but you never really know how good. You always underestimate how much of an impact something is going to have.

When I make an album I love to spend a long time making it and put my heart and soul into it.

There was a period in music that didn't suit what I did. I didn't fit in.