I hate serious rap. It's boring.

My dad got me an iMac, and I spent my whole childhood with my eyes glued to it. I was technically savvy and knew how to make it work for me.

Hip-hop is not one thing!

My No. 1 key with fans is, honestly, to stay connected with them. I think it's important to talk to the fans online and respond to their questions. You know, live streaming, playing video games.

I go to the studio every night.

I'm not normally big on suits.

I'm promoting positivity. I'm promoting happiness and loving yourself and having fun. But it's not a joke.

Most of my influences aren't rap. I love Coldplay.

I used to wake up before school when my mom was already at work. That's where I first heard a lot of music, like All Time Low, Fall Out Boy, Miley Cyrus, Linkin Park.

I'm not influencing the youth in no bad way. I'm doing can drives at my shows.

I'm not negative.

I was surrounded by a bunch of friends who made music, and at the time, I thought they were good. They used to tell me I was really bad, but it ended being up the opposite.

I remember being in jail, like, 'Man, I'm not old enough.' And then I thought, 'I just turned 18.' I had just turned old enough to be in big people jail.

I'm one of the biggest Kid Cudi fans of all time. He's very relatable.

People used to always laugh at my hair, stuff like that.

It was a shock to everyone when I became a rapper. Huge shock to everyone. But I knew it all along. I just didn't want to tell anybody cause then it's like, What if it doesn't work?

I want to do movies.

When you're in the studio, you can't be like, 'I want to make music that everybody will like!' You have really understand your fan base, what they like, and that's what you do it for.

You have to understand that your music isn't for everybody; your job isn't to please everybody.

I feel like Soulja Boy was one of the smartest when it came to connecting with your fans and taking that to another level. That's how you get the real love. Someone will love you, but if they feel like they know you or they can relate to you, it's a real genuine, solid love, even when you're down.

The old way of coming up in the game is over.

My only goal is to impress my fans.

I'm an emotional person. I'm not going to deny that. If I feel a certain way, I'll express it on the track.

I felt love on 'Lil Boat 2.' People say my first project, 'Lil Boat,' was my best project, but I didn't feel it because I was so new, and it took a minute to grow.