I've done a good job of not putting myself in a box, being able to transform, and not being scared to try new things.

Yeah, every artist I think should look at themselves as a brand because the more appealing your brand is, the more money you can make off your brand.

I'm the type, when I used to go to the record store I used to buy two or three copies of certain records so I've got a pretty large selection of a lot of 12 inches.

I guess certain kinds of jazz music could be Crunk. But the average jazz song, no, it's not Crunk.

Before Lil Jon and The Eastside Boyz, nobody ever said, 'I'm a crunk artist. I make crunk music.'

When you have a lot of stress and negativity around you, when you cut that away, you cleanse.

When I check in at the Encore, they're like, 'Welcome back, sir.' I'm back home, it's like my second home.

You know, my era of DJing was the 90s. I think that was one of the best eras of music, period. From dancehall to hip hop to rock to pop to R&B to everything. I just like that era of music, so I just listen to a lot of 90s overall but definitely 90s hip hop.

I love Vegas cuz everybody who comes to hear me DJ is ready to party.

When you put the guitars over the 808, it just makes it grittier and grimier. It's just different.

I focus all the way on the club. That's why my music sounds the way it does, with the 808, heavy kicks. Every aspect of it is about the club, so I don't really care about the person who's listening on an iPod.

If you are having a hard week, turn on one of my songs. Some people are here for different things in life. My job is to make you forget about your troubles.

I was into the Ramones, Bad Brains, all of that, when I was in high school.

My music is party music. If you can make people party, you can always have an audience for that.

I wanted to play drums and if I didn't play drums, I wouldn't make music and drums are the foundation for what I do.

Everybody I see, that's the first thing they think of when they see me: 'WHUUUUUT?' or 'YEEEAAAHHH!' But they don't realize that everybody and their grandmother says that to me.

I hate reality shows. It's funny because me and my wife be arguing all the time about reality shows 'cause she loves reality shows and watches them all day, all the time. And I be like, 'C'mon. No. No.'

I've been coming to Vegas for so many years working in Vegas, so many years I might as well live here.

I've been blessed. Every few years, I'll connect with somebody and put out a record with somebody that keeps me relevant.

The word 'crunk' means energy. 'Crunk' is the past tense of crank. So if you crank something up, you are getting it started and getting it going. So 'crunk' is when it's going... when it's off the hook.

I think Obama's done a great job.

A lot of stuff that I'm involved in is about branding.

Well, 'Crunk Rock' doesn't mean rock. Initially when I started the album, I did collaborate with a bunch of rock musicians and producers. But as I started to have time to free my mind and catch different vibes, it started to mean something different.

Yeah, I'm walking through the airport, I'm walking through the street, I'm driving in my car, people just start screaming at me - 'YEEEAAAHHH!'