Everybody writes about love and cheating and heartbreak. We've done all that.

I remember showing Prince around Warners' recording studios. He was the nicest kid.

Dancing as a thing to do is marvellous, but you've got to be bloody good at it. I was never good enough.

I have always preferred paper and ink to a computer screen and I still write most of my lyrics by hand.

What keeps a good face is no stress, and I refuse to worry.

You don't necessarily have to write a song to make it your own. After all, Elvis never wrote a song in his life.

It's nice to feel wanted somewhere.

In the past, it wasn't any big deal for people with talent to hang out together. Now we have the celebrity age, which has made a lot of things harder to do.

I've typical singer's jowls, a bit fat and soggy. If I was really vain, I would have a nip and tuck, but the knife isn't an exciting prospect.

I'm impressed with Ed Sheeran. I think he has a terrific point of view and a great mentality but I sense there is someone in the background saying to him, 'We need more love songs, Ed.'

I was never really keen to drive. I was always chauffeured around.

I like my face. It's cheeky - dare I say, Chaplinesque.

There were people who went for serious mind enhancement, like Jimi Hendrix or John Lennon, although I didn't really need to do that. I was blessed with an incredibly fertile imagination.

When I was dressed as a clown in all that make-up I used to shed pounds every night and got agonising kidney stones because I was sweating so much.

Being very dyslexic I couldn't even tie my own shoe laces until the age of 21 and I struggled at school.

I damaged my legs and ankles many years ago when doing concerts and falling off stage.

Do you know what, I don't even like dancing.

I tend not to eat lunch because a midday meal makes me want to sleep in the afternoon.

There's nothing better than curling up with a good book and sitting in front of the fire on winter evenings.

I stand a lot better chance to go further than Elton.

My hair is massive and fills the mirror.

Before I got married, I had a girlfriend who ran off in the middle of our relationship with a millionaire. She called from the South of France and said, 'I found one, I'm sorry. That's it. Goodbye!'

It's been hard to gain acceptance in England without the clown makeup because I wore the costume as part of my act for so long.

I always wanted to be able to show off like the guitar players do. I think I managed that alright!