Even in the early stages, you can tell who thinks you're an idiot singing songs someone else has written for you. We never wanted to be two producers and a girl who wears some shoes.

I guess I'm fortunate in that two things I always wanted to do, since I was 16, were play music and get into news media. I'm very lucky to have two things that can engage my brain at once.

We've done a couple of women's mags, but we tend to talk about feminism and women in the industry, which I feel more comfortable talking about. It's a more valuable discussion than, 'Oh, you're a girl in a band. What hair conditioner do you use?' I use hair conditioner, and I like talking about it. But I don't want that to be the question.

My band persona is 25% tougher than I am.

I operate a pretty strict muting and blocking policy on Twitter.

I don't want to be the front for somebody else's creativity and sell that day in, day out.

I went to an island in the Bahamas full of iguanas. You don't live on the island, obviously, because it's solely populated by iguanas, and it's not allowed.

I think that everybody likes different kinds of music, and that's absolutely fine.

We should all be able to have faith that our governments are working in our best interests - and if they aren't, then they should be challenged and held to account.

Japan has always been a really special place for Chvrches.

Obviously, when you're working at things, you all hope that people will relate to it.

To me, it is not necessarily you responding that trolls want: they want to scare, they want to intimidate, and they want to silence people - so ignoring it doesn't make a difference.

Crushes start out as that teenage phenomenon, life-affirming and cute, but as you wander into adulthood, they seem to end up more painful, harrowing, and uncertain, especially if you have just come out of the relationship you thought would finally, maybe, maybe be the one that stuck.

Nothing gets my hackles up like being told I can't do something.

I had somebody say to me once, 'You can't make the kind of music you're making and call yourself a feminist.' The door was slammed on them swiftly after that.

I've never been able to write narrative as a character, really. Jenny Lewis, I love her stuff, I love that she can weave these American Gothic fairytales. I feel like I sound inauthentic when I do that, so I tend to write from a personal standpoint.

There were times in my early 20s where I dealt with some anxiety and depression issues. At that time, it just feels like you're under the water, and you can't get out.

I like the idea of a record being more than one thing emotionally - human beings go through so many emotions in one day - and I like those things sitting next to each other.

I have a personal Twitter for band purposes, but I don't use social media a lot.

I think, in reading a few sentences of text, you can just tell the tone, and that's something I love in prose writers but in lyricists as well.

The depressing reality is that campaigns like the Everyday Sexism Project would not need to exist were casual sexism not so startlingly commonplace.

I am in a band that was born on the Internet.

I think about politics, so it would be inauthentic not to talk about it.

The film world feels like a smaller world than music.