When Pentatonix started, my whole vision of what I thought my life was gonna be completely changed - in a great way, obviously. I never thought that I would have the confidence to do this.

I always wanted to do musical theater. That was where I saw my life going since I was a musical theater major in college before I went to Pentatonix.

I feel like I have to be on my game because I have to handle my solo stuff and Pentatonix stuff, so it has really kept me on my toes in a good way.

Even before Pentatonix, I always thought that I would be out here in New York doing Broadway and doing musical theater. That was what gave me the passion for music in the first place, so it's been really, really, cool.

I do want to do more acting! I love it. It's so fun.

I think, now that I've been writing songs in general, whether it's for the group or for me, I definitely feel like I got a little trigger happy, because it was so exciting to have production and create and put a lot in there.

The experiences you gain by doing something solo - you have such a great work effort there as well, one we all have now - we can all bring it back to the group.

It is based off the pentatonic scale, which is a five-note scale in music. And there are five of us. We were going to be The Pentatonix, but we dropped the 'The' and added an 'x' to try and be cooler.

That's the power of the Internet: you can literally find everything.

Adulting is hard.

I thought I would move to New York and be on Broadway; that was my goal. I was very work-focused.

Coming out of a group, it's always really fun and creative to do your own thing.

I started voice lessons when I was eight years old.

When I was a kid I was always listening and singing along to Disney compilation CDs.

Ever since I was little, Broadway had always been my passion.

I remember seeing 'Chicago' and 'Legally Blonde' and waiting by the stage door.

Jennifer Lopez and Sara Bareilles are my tops! Both incredibly hard-working and talented women.

Every single 'no' that you get, you know that that was an experience that you learned from. Keep going.

So many people don't believe in themselves; people are worth so much more than what social media shows.

I want to inspire people to tear down their walls, especially for teenage girls.

I want people to see that I'm just a girl who went for her dreams.

Jennifer Lopez, she's my girl! And Shakira... I really like her.

When the movie 'Selena' came out, I got really obsessed with her, and my mom and I went and saw it.

Our album stuff, we bring it to our producer to help us finesse. But anything that's been on YouTube and a lot of the stuff that's been on the album, too, it started from us just sitting around in a circle and jamming it and finding where the parts fit.