I like the New York style of funk, the California style of funk, but the South I never felt like - and Atlanta particularly - got the credit for taking their lessons and progressing on it.

I have matured as a man to understand where my suspicion of women comes from and how that has everything to do with me and nothing to do with them. I have to deal with that.

What's more American than young people speaking their mind over things they had to create over pots and pans and electronically because music was taken out of schools? What's more American than making something out of nothing? What's more gospel than rap music?

We need more Rocafellas; we need more Bad Boys.

For all my proclivities for thuggery, I am a typical middle-class dad. I'm a gangsta rap suburban father!

America has done a great job making brutally fast, stripped-down cars.

I believe being honourable lasts longer than rapping good.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a revolutionary, simple and plain.

People don't accredit Killer Mike and El-P with having the humanity that we do. They don't understand that the darkness and the anger that we rap about comes from a place of love, care, and concern.

I've been a music fan all my life, and you know the difference when the musicians care.

We are raising a generation of kids where everyone gets a trophy. But in real life, everyone don't get a trophy.

Black people need to share collective dollars and demand equal representation, and the way you do that is by controlling their own economy and putting money behind candidates.

It's less to do about me - 'Hey, I'm black and it hurts my feelings; it's a symbol of slavery and oppression' - and more to do with the fact that, as an American, I will not honor a group of treacherous traitors. That's why I despise the rebel flag.

For the people of Baltimore, I don't criticize rioting, because I understand it. But after the fires die down, organize, strategize, and mobilize.

For me, muscle cars are a tribute to American ingenuity.

I've worked with incredible producers in the past, but when me and El-P got in a room, there was no way I was going to let off his head because not only was he one of the greatest producers I heard, he was one of the illest rappers I had ever heard.

In my heart of hearts, I truly believe that Senator Bernie Sanders is the right man to lead this country.

I believe in smart people.

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts of Stone Mountain, Georgia, was the darkest! I mean, he could've been a movie villain, he was so intense! He also had the hardest finishing move of all time, the DDT.

Black people shouldn't have permanent friends or enemies: they should have permanent interest.

If your great-great-grandfather participated on the Confederate side, and you hold some sentimental value to that, and you want to fly the flag and hang their picture up in your home, that's fine. But it should not be on anything that taxpayers pay for, because taxpayers are a part of the Union, not the Confederacy.

My mom had did a wonderful job of giving me two great dads: I had a biological and non-biological dad.

We have a responsibility to do better as black people in this country. I don't care how white people look at you - I care that we have a one-trillion-dollar spending base, and if you want to see change, you have to start to focus on, economically, how can we change our communities.

I think all politics is local.