Obama's dense as a doorbell; not much going on up there - it's a wooden top.

There are no limits to where our brains can take us. We are, if there be a God, God's gracious creation.

I don't like the monikers, and I don't like being pigeonholed. You know, I'm a human being.

I never thought of Green Day as a punk band. Just bubblegum, really.

No matter what you experience in life, it incorporates political tendencies, and in so many ways.

If you can sort out why you feel the way you do then you might be in better shape to meet your maker.

Americans being upright and forthright and honest and true to themselves is a very hard concept.

My biggest fear is mindlessly and stupidly repeating myself.

I have one major problem with the internet: It's full of liars. There doesn't seem to be any way to answer to people lying about you.

Punk was never about one particular clean-cut imagery... it's about many, many individuals coming very loosely together.

When you grew up like me and my four brothers, you end up feeling somewhat inadequate, like somehow you don't count. I was very ill as a child and in and out of hospital. That sort of alienates you, and in my songs I put that to good use.

I like America's diversity and its landscapes.

I love books, and all the best ones are people analysing their own emotions. You can learn from that.

The real color of my hair is mouse. I always want to be ginger, which I was when I was born, or blond, because I live in L.A., and I want to look like I go surfing without any physical effort.

I don't think there's any such thing as rock n' roll anymore - it's an amalgamation of business interests.

There are some Rolling Stones songs that are just stunners.

I've never said I'm a communist.

I don't believe in anarchy, because it will ultimately amount to the power of the bully, with weapons. Gandhi is my life's inspiration: passive resistance. I don't want to live in the Thunderdome with Mad Max.

I showed what I can do with butter, right? Eighty-five percent increase in sales. I'm very proud of them Country Life ads. They were funny and clever and classy like the Toblerone ads I grew up with.

I've never done anything deliberately; I just speak my mind, and that is what I consistently do and will always do in any way shape or form that I can.

It's no good being nice and young and naive. There's no good in that at all. You've got to do it all yourself, and you've gotta learn quick. And you can't look for sympathy either.

The so-called alleged 'art' of the video - well, the video has killed the radio star, but the video star killed the live musician, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

It's a repressive society where you can't be horrible, I'm not horrible, they made me horrible, I'm just honest.

You'd have to be daft as a brush to say you didn't like Pink Floyd.