I wrote 'Lakeside View Apartment Suites' with Roman in my arms. He was about a month old. I was playing left-handed and finally handed him over. On the demo of it, you can hear him crying in the next room.

I always assumed people wanted to hear me tell stories, but then I had 'The Sunset Tree.' It turned out, my own stories were the ones that registered with people the hardest.

Opera combines pretty basic theater and poetry, but the storyline itself is actually quite poetic and, after some digital research, taking that actual content and seeing it as undeniably poetic.

I was writing poetry, and the Mountain Goats was an outgrowth of that.

More and more, I enjoy hearing people who are good at their instruments and who've found a distinctive voice. In death metal, a lot of guys are Eddie Van Halen disciples, but they take his style to really expressionistic places. It's a real pleasure for me to hear people pushing their craft.

There was so much about my dad that wasn't on the surface.

My father, to me, is an important piece in American history.

My dad was a unique person.

There are a lot of things about my father, various things, that people connect with. He was that diverse of a person, and he has a diverse fanbase.

My father, he made chili; that was probably his favorite dish to make.

My mother was creative in the kitchen.

I've cooked my whole life, and I grew up in a household of cooks.

Nobody sounds like my dad.

My father was a unique man, but he had a shyness about him.

Right after my mother died, my dad and I went into the studio and he recorded a song called 'I Found You Among the Roses.'

I have a novel out, 'Lupus Rex,' that I wrote and am excited about that.

My father was always respectful to my grandfather. I really wanted that to be known because I never saw him disrespect my grandfather, and I never saw them have a cross word.

My father and mother were together because of their faith.

I love to cook, man, I'm the short-order cook of the house. It's also my creativity. The kitchen is my space. I'm always cooking, I'm always making something.

I listen to all types of music.

I listen to all types of music.

Some folks expect my music to sound like my dad's.

It was hard to say no to Johnny Cash.

I saw my parents go through tough times between 1979 and 1983. They almost split up.