I sat in on some songwriting classes, and it was really bloody hard, a lot of music theory. I'd be sitting there, and they'd be talking all this music theory, and the teacher would say, 'Let's ask our guest Jimmy what he thinks,' and I'd be sitting there thinking, 'Please don't ask me, please don't ask me.'

I'm not running out of inspiration.

In the 1970s, we got a Labor government that put more emphasis on trade with Asia; the Vietnam war ended, and refugees were coming in. We were more part of Asia than America and the rest of the world. There was the proximity, for a start - all these countries and cultures just north of us. It just made sense that that's what we were part of.

I'm good at maintaining a face. If you've got that bravado, and people expect anything from you, then you'll get away with anything.

Iggy Pop is legendary - he is awesome - and I am a massive Bruce Springsteen fan. His song 'Cautious Man' is my favourite song. It's really poignant, dark, and moody, like myself.

I was actually wilder before I joined Cold Chisel. I was really wild.

I love playing live.

My dad was a womaniser, a gambler. He was violent. They thought if they left Scotland, they would leave the problems behind.

Songs are like sign posts in my life.

I wanted my children to never feel like they were unsafe. I wanted them to have everything they needed.

Jane and I - somehow we fell into each other's arms, and I adored her! I loved her from the minute I saw her. I don't think I knew what love was.

I was not an ideal parent, and there were things that I did right and things I did wrong.

We all do the best with what we have.

The best thing about this country is the difference in all of us. We all come from different backgrounds. It's a really beautiful thing.

When you get behind with the tax department, it's very difficult to catch up.

I'm happy to be recording and singing live. I have a great family, and a great bunch of people always come and see me sing. What more does a man need?

I always wanted to be in a rock band, but I wanted to sing like a soul singer.

I have always loved soul singers.

Partners fall in and out of love, but they still need each other.

Kids grow up, and they still need you.

Don't take your friends for granted or that everyone is going to be OK.

Life is good.

People change naturally when they have children.

The Internet has been a godsend and a nightmare for the music industry.