If you set a regimen up, you can lose weight. I grinded my weight off.

I feel like I can make records where, you know, I can get in the alley and exchange bars with Styles P, but I can also get in the studio and create a classic with Rihanna.

John Legend is brilliant. I feel he may be my best collaborator when it comes to delivering that undeniable soulful sound, and he does it in such a classy way.

When I was sitting at home watching 'Yo! MTV Raps' as a kid, seeing the bright jackets excited me.

I ain't trying to keep up with the trends - the hats, the hair colours, the dress codes.

When I used to sit in the office with Jay Z and L.A. Reid... we would negotiate back and forth and discuss music. You're sitting in front of someone for hours. It's all about being passionate. Everything begins with yourself.

I love my beard.

When you walk in a room, the room should feel that this guy's different. What does he do? Who is he? And that's confidence, not cockiness.

I really savor the times of me and all my best friends and family members getting together.

My father wasn't there the majority of the time. My father, someone who I always honored and looked up to, had been in the military; he had been to war. I would hear stories about different experiences he went through, but as I got older, my father moved away.

When Rick Ross made 'Hustlin',' Rick Ross also helped those producers become some of the biggest producers in the world.

I love pears. Most definitely - it's a fact.

I realized that my success comes from doing the things I love most.

I was never good at math.

My advice for anyone looking to lose weight is to not make it feel like a job.

My father watched all the 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars' that you could imagine, along with the martial arts. So I was into all that as a youngster, and I always rooted for the bad guy.

As artists, we are blessed to be able to make money but, on the same note, are held accountable for our federal tax obligations just like everyone else.

I think we all have a right to bear arms, whichever amendment that is.

Blast my record out the windows of your Honda Accord. And if anyone gives you grief, you look them right in the eye and tell them Rick Ross told you wealth begins in the heart.

My mom's the best.

Being a big guy, you face certain challenges. Over time, though, women found excuses to find me attractive.

A boss is all about good business, so start with everything that you can control and you can turn up that costs you nothing, then lay all the knobs out, look at all the controls, all the remotes, and just turn them all up. It don't cost you nothing.

I eat the way I want to eat.

I respect the Grammys, being a writer. But me being an artist representing hip hop? No.