I used to dance around, I used to sing a lot, I remember, and beat box.

I've been fortunate to work with artists that are at the top of their respective genres. That allowed me to learn from them and their success.

I grew up on R&B and soul, so that backbone is always there.

I like to write songs that people can identify with and sing along to.

I'd say I am a nice cross of R&B and Pop.

There are so many egos in this game - maybe we all need to come down a notch.

The most important thing is to make quality music that will last.

The minute you forget who your fan-base is, that's the minute everything falls out from under you.

There used to be times when you didn't see Indians on television or if you did it was the corner shop guy in 'EastEnders,' but now they're not as stereotypical and we've managed to fit in and blend really well. England does a great job of doing that.

I'm always trying to not spread myself too thin.

I don't want to just do any acting role that comes just for the sake of getting in a film.

So when I wrote 'Down' - when I sang the melody, I sung the word 'Down' for no reason. I don't know why. That's how I came up with the medley. I was like, 'I don't know why I said down, but we got to write a song around it.'

I wanted to be a doctor originally; that was my realistic dream, because I knew how to get there. Being a pop star was my wild dream, a fantasy - there was no direct route.

A lot of my writing is done on the road so I can take the music on my iPod, work out a melody then record it into Cubase.

My granddad doesn't care if he falls down when he's singing, he's just having a laugh.

When you look at Beyonce, every interview she does is just perfect delivery, perfect execution, and the thing is, she has honed that skill down.

I was born and raised in Southall; we had two houses which we made into one big one because there were 12 of us living there: me and my bro, my parents, my grandparents, and my dad's brother's family.

I have rather skinny legs - I blame my dad's side of the family.

I've got my fanbase; I believe in my music; I believe in my vision... And ain't no-one gonna stop me from doing that!

I had the most incredible experience of my life being signed to Cash Money.

I eat a lot of cereal and toast.

I think, honestly, hard work is the only way that you'll get anywhere and this is not an easy job. People think it's easy to be a singer or to be an artist. It's crazy hours and you need a lot of energy and some spirit inside you to do that.

When I got my deal with Cash Money, it changed my whole life.

England really is at the forefront of being a melting pot of all cultures.