Being on 'Good Times' was the first time I was around a group of people that wasn't my family.

When I'm getting ready for a tour, I'll work out with the dancers.

I don't like to work out, and I get bored easily.

When I gained weight in 2005, my nutritionist was very worried. I was close to having diabetes.

I do think kids should be kids. You have the rest of your life to be an adult.

I was never pushed into the religion by my mother or anyone else. I made up my own mind when I was old enough. I am not a religious person, but I am spiritual.

I was very independent growing up, but there were things that were bothering me that I never told anybody. I would talk to our animals at home.

We're all driven to premieres or nightclubs and seen the rope separating those who can enter and those who can't. Well, there's also a velvet rope we have inside of us, keeping others from knowing our feelings.

Recording is more autobiographical than acting. It's me - either how I'm feeling then or once felt at some point in my life. It's all me.

I always get bored with my hair. That's why I would always change it throughout my career.

I don't have a lot of friends.

That's always - that's been another dream of mine, to do a Broadway play. An award winning Broadway play.

I have a very strong family.

I wanted to be on my own and get out of the house. We were the kind of kids that - we - obeyed our parents. If they said no, you don't ask why.

I'm a true believer in prayer, a big believer in prayer.

I really don't know anything else because my brothers were famous when I was two years old. So I know nothing else, no other life.

I have no clue why, but maybe sometimes when there's someone you don't hear from, it's the person you want to hear from the most.

I'm a very competitive person. But I think that's good.

I'm just trying to get used to living on a fixed income. Now, it's going to get unfixed.

I think it's great if a guy has a good sized package.

There's other things I'd like to do. I probably won't tour for a very, very long time. It's something that you feel inside and that's the way I've been looking at everything.

It was the Control album that was really about what I wanted to do.

I've talked about sex a great deal in my music for a great while now. I feel very comfortable with it.

I wanted to talk about my life. There is so much. I was 18 when I made the record, and I had a lot to say.