My Number 1 Award is going to go on my mantelpiece, and I'll probably kiss it for two weeks solid every time I pass it!

I really want to work with Eminem. I know it will never happen, but I would love if he let me do a hook on one of his songs or he featured on one of my songs. It would be incredible. I've just always admired him since I was young.

I don't think about consequences too much.

I've done a few face palms after things I've said because it's stupid. But if I'm not like that, I won't feel human anymore. I'll just feel like some robot saying what I'm supposed to say. I think that's when people lose it.

I don't do media training. I don't do that.

I was asked, 'Why do you think the male 'X Factor' winners haven't been successful in the past?' And I said, 'Because obviously the body of work that they've brought out wasn't good enough,' and that was it.

There are many things people don't know about me, and maybe when they read about those things, they will have an understanding of the journey I have been on, why I've made the mistakes I have, and hopefully help other people overcome their adversities.

I had some glamour models messaging me on Twitter and saying they think I'm hot, but I'm being careful.

I'm very much a 'boyfriend' type of guy. I've been in relationships since I was 16.

I wasn't a happy kid. I felt like my mum ruined our chance of a better life, because when she remarried, we went to live in Bahrain, on a compound with a swimming pool, and she ruined it all.

Me and my mum didn't see eye-to-eye for a lot of years, and I've never really felt connected with my dad, because he wasn't there.

I had a bit of a strange childhood, to be honest.

I didn't realise how devastating my behavior could be - looking back, I'm very embarrassed. I just buckled under the anxiety.

'X Factor' was the best experience of my life to be part of a show watched by so many people.

I was having anxiety attacks, calling ambulances out and saying I was having a heart attack, as there was something weird going on with my body and mind.

I probably suffered with depression.

I'd say to all kids, don't have a tattoo until you're 21.

Who hasn't had interest from Rita Ora?

When an attractive woman shows any interest in me, I'm immediately alerted.

People who aren't artists don't think about creativity and art; they think about money.

I have people telling me what I can and can't do, what music I can and can't make.

I want to put out music I really believe in, and when I felt that was threatened, I lashed out at everybody.

I don't have anything against SyCo or 'X Factor' or any of that. I'm just a guy who got really afraid of not being in control.

I'm 100 million percent not homophobic. I despise that label being attached to me.