I don't want to write the song that I wrote yesterday, and I don't want to write the song I'm going to write tomorrow; I only write the music I'm writing now.

I wanted to be a teacher because that is all I knew. It was a great course on primary school education, in which I could specialise in music, but I ended up dropping out after I was honest with myself about what I really wanted to do with my life.

I just hope people enjoy 'Phase' as much as I've enjoyed making it. I hope it's a good reaction.

I studied at university for a term and a day, and then I dropped out.

I watch cartoons a lot. I'm a big 'Rick and Morty' and 'South Park' fan.

I find it really difficult to turn my head off. I find it difficult to zone out.

When I was younger and played acoustic guitar music, I got a lot of Sheeran comparisons, along with guys like Paolo Nutini and James Morrison.

I enjoy the music I make because I have to - if I didn't, I wouldn't want to make it, and I wouldn't want it to be heard by other people.

I spent 19, 20 years of my life being terrified about what I looked like. I was a ginger white kid.

I am only interested in celebrating music.

I find it hard to not like music if it has passion behind it and good integrity. Only if it's made for the wrong reasons and shows a lack of respect for its audience will I find something to dislike.

Who am I to sit here and say I'm going to change the face of music?

All I do is hope that someone feels something from listening to my music.

I believe that musical instruments are created because they are supposed to be played. There's not an instrument that's been designed to not be playable - it kind of defeats the point.

I will have a playlist ready that I'll play out to the audience before I walk on stage, and I'll listen to that same playlist in the room, so by the time I walk on stage, I'm in the same frame of mind the audience is.

Tech gives people more opportunities to be themselves in front of other people. Sometimes that's great; sometimes it's bad.

I want my music to sound good on whatever people are listening - laptop speakers, those crappy little white ones you get with your PC.

I don't listen to much music on the go because I tend either to be writing my own music or wanting a break from the music around me.

I've been naturally quick at learning things, and I learn by doing things, so if I sit beside someone who is actively doing something, I look at how they do it and absorb the way in which they do something and find my own comfortable way of reimagining that, or using certain techniques in my own way.

The 'Remnants' EP was the first time I got to really explore myself as a producer, and I got the insane idea of doing it on my own in my future career.

I got my first laptop, what I learned to do everything on, when I was 17 or 18, and I had no idea what I was doing. I'd only ever produced on an 8-track before. When I was about 13 and writing songs, I would write on that. It would literally be eight tracks, and that's all I had.

I wish I was a prolific writing wondrous boy genius - I wish I was Stevie Wonder - but I wasn't. I was me. I wrote terrible songs about girls I was head-over-heels about. As soon as a pretty girl looks at me, that's it - I'm in love, and I should probably write a song about it!

Festivals are the best because you can't control anything, and for a control freak like me, that's a wonderful experience.

I've always found myself to be most free and creatively open when I'm on my own.