If you really, truly believe in something, you're on fire, and your tongue rolls at the same pace.

The mainstream consumed our culture.

Rock n' roll is like a religion.

I'm very lucky that I can walk on the stage before anyone in the world. And that's the thing: you've got to be pretty confident to go on after me. You've got to have the artillery, as I call it. And the artillery is your songs.

Ultimately, if someone's paying hard-earned money to see me play live, they don't want a rant about what's happening on the other side of the world. They don't want to know which way they should vote.

Don't expect me to be some indie schmindie embarrassed about my success.

I wouldn't trade what Coldplay have achieved for any of my songs.

People wanted me to become this cliched Keith Richards, Iggy Pop character. I wasn't expected to marry a beautiful wife and have kids.

People do get out of my way when I'm walking to the shops.

I'm a naturally gifted left-footed footballer.

I don't think I have enough German blood in me to get into the royal family.

I'm very interested in Darwinism and how that affects us on a day-to-day level. But I also have a deep interest in theology and the spiritual.

I love sportsmen's spirit, their ability to come back and override negativity. Michael Owen has been written off so many times, but he will always prove the doubters wrong.

Technology means the kind of music you can make on your own if you've got an imagination is amazing. It's crazy that I can sit with a Mac and a keyboard and a mic and create a symphony.

80% of everything I've experienced since the Verve has been depressing.

Music is power.

I don't want to be responsible for messing up someone. I don't want to be responsible for that, because the things that happened in The Verve, it was heavy stuff. It was real. It wasn't just frivolous nonsense, you know what I mean? There was real people's lives.

Glasgow Barrowlands is the greatest concert venue in the world.

We never had a stylist, so I always wore my own clothes.

If this world hasn't made you semi-mad, then you ain't living in it.

It's difficult to be the spokesperson for something that internally is falling apart. That's a tremendous amount of pressure to put on one person, to be the guy who gives all the quotes, all the interviews.

I don't believe in a new-age movement; I'm not a hippy.

I have never had a bad review off a good-looking person.

Even if you're not releasing songs, the act of creativity is important. That's the part I love, when you're in the moment. The rest of it I'm not particularly interested in at all.