Sometimes I fantasize about becoming a cartoon and only making music for cartoons. I can easily visualize my future in music when I go into that fantasy in my head.

If I could be on any show, I think I'd want to be on 'Bad Girls Club.'

I've met people who are embarrassed of the stuff they've done, and they try to hide it. And I'm not embarrassed of anything.

The idea of taking a brand that already exists and making a really poor-looking version of it, with acrylic or puffy paint, is really aesthetically pleasing to my eyes and also funny.

I didn't know that buying expensive paint was a good thing and important. I always used whatever is cheapest, which I'm into, too.

I think performers who pretend fashion doesn't matter are huge liars.

I've never been in a band where I didn't dress up. It just feels very me.

I'm not sure, exactly, why someone would want to move to S.F. or N.Y.C., even. I would only wanna live in L.A. or a tiny town like Provincetown or Palm Springs or Guerneville or something like that.

I'd love to work on art and music full time.

I don't really trust musical artists that don't also do visual art.

I'm from Tucson, Arizona.

Hunx is kind of just, like, a really trashy punk band, honestly.

I live for Snooki. She's so cute. I love her so much.

Often, I feel like a cheap imitation aesthetically looks better to me than the real, out-of-reach thing. It's amazing that brands create a whole illusion of exclusivity and luxury, and then you can go get the $5 version of a $30,000 thing and feel the same way but have a cool little secret.

I like keeping an ongoing list of dream collaborators on my phone. I like to write down all of my dreams, actually.

In my day-to-day life, I'm not that wild.

I kind of got this weird feeling a couple years ago - I never went to college; did I miss out? I took one class, and I was like, no, I don't need to go to school.

Bouncers suck.

The music is super fun. I love writing the songs. I love performing, for the most part, and I love doing artwork, but I hate answering 100 emails a day and most interviews.

People should be themselves.

Everyone tries to be so slick and modern and computerized. I've always done everything myself with little money, so I guess it's become 'my look,' but it's not really intentional.

Gravy Train!!!! damaged me because I don't think I will ever again experience something so intense and exciting. We were so young and pent up - and didn't care about anything else in the world.

I want to add 'record mogul' to my list of accomplishments and make a disgusting amount of money so I can buy a house between Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus.

Beauty school gave me brain damage.