I've spent hours playing video games.

There are people who can't stand me, they say, 'God, he makes me sick', or, 'He's creepy', but it doesn't affect me too badly.

I'd like to move back to New Orleans.

Well, I'm an optimist.

I'm sure that there are reasonable people that had some reasonable projections about the future of New Orleans, but none of those could include not trying to rebuild the city and make it better than it was before.

There's some things I can't write about, just terrible personal tragedies.

Well, my mother, I knew until I was 13. She died when I was 13.

Well, my dad was the district attorney of New Orleans for about 30 years.

I guess play piano, you know, because that's the thing I started doing when I was a little kid.

I mean these people who work on Broadway, in my opinion, are the most gifted of everyone. I mean they really know how to dance. They really know how to act. They really know how to sing. They know how to perform.

My dad and mom believed that you do what you have to do in private and don't make a big deal out of it. Just try to help people as much as you can.

It is jazz music that called me to be a musician and I have always sang the songs that moved me the most.

Singers, like Frank Sinatra and myself, we interpret the songs that we like. Not unlike a Shakespearean actor that goes back to the greatest words ever written, we go back to the greatest songs and bring about my interpretation of them.

I do the things I like to do. It's sort of a bigger version of having more than one hobby.

Everything I do is part of my passion.

My Dad is my hero.

I'm able to sometimes express things even more articulately on the piano than I am with singing.

I'm having a lot of fun, enjoying my life and trying to raise my children.

I practice and work hard at my music, but I'm not saving lives here.

I have no doubt that the government of this great nation will work with its people to lead New Orleans and the Gulf Coast back to an enlightened, proud, safe part of the world.

There are more than 300,000 families in the Gulf region that lost their homes and are waiting for peace of mind. The hurricane exposed the sad reality of poverty in America. We saw, in all its horrific detail, the vulnerabilities of living in inadequate housing and the heartbreak of losing one's home.

I have a big ego, and I'm a confident person, but when it comes down to being a jerk, that doesn't work for me, I tried it... for about ten years.

The whole 'American Idol' way of looking at things is the antithesis of what I grew up with. There are a whole lot of kids wanting to be famous now, whereas if I'd even mentioned that word to one of my teachers, I would have got into a whole load of trouble.

When I'm acting, I'm in a different place, singing is the last thing on my mind, and when I'm on stage, there's no acting at all involved, not even presentation, it's just who I am.