'True Grit' was fun to do, but I wasn't cut out to be an actor. I made John Wayne look so good, he won his only Oscar.

If we grew it, we ate it. If Daddy shot it, Mamma cooked it.

Picking a guitar was a lot easier than picking cotton.

They could never put me in a slot. They couldn't say Glen was 'country,' 'pop' or 'rock.' I'm crock, OK? A cross between country and rock. Call me crock.

I used to be just a total jazz freak. People used to say, 'Where's the melody? Is there a melody in there anywhere?' Now I let the music follow the song.

I'm running my life according to what I know to be true from the Bible and the old scribes.

Hank Williams' music - it just doesn't go away, for some reason.

What I try to do is live with myself and please me. If I can't do that, I can't please anybody else or live with anybody else.

With the first money I got, I built my parents a house back home, gave them a string of credit cards, and said 'Go.'

I can't be alone.

I would rather do live than any kind of lip-synching or something like that. I don't like to lip-synch.

I can read a chord chart, but I couldn't read a note chart.

Do everything according to God, and be nice, and treat other people the way you would like to be treated.

Dean Martin. He was incredible.

I don't remember not singing. I started when I was, I don't know how - what, two years old or a year old or something like that.

You don't mess with politics and religion. Leave it alone. People get upset at that sometimes.

I am just trying to do a song the best possible way I can.

That's what we grew up with - the good songs, the good lyrics, the good big-band stuff. I miss that era.

I've been singing and playing the guitar ever since I can remember.

I love singing. I just love it.

The very first big one I had was 'Turn Around and Look At Me.'

If you've got a good melody and a good story married together, that's a good sign for hit-song material.

All my records - 'By the Time I Get to Phoenix,' 'Wichita Lineman,' 'Galveston,' 'Rhinestone Cowboy,' 'Dreams of the Everyday Housewife' - they all had strings on them.

To play with a symphony today is just fabulous.