It's an honor to sit back and see people loving the things that you did 25 years ago and still be here and be amongst the crowd to receive those blessings.

I don't have a problem participating with the youth because the youth are our future.

You gotta use your mind when you're a vegan.

I'm funny with food, even if it's vegan. I like it well well, well, well done. I don't want anything there that reminds me of blood. I get mine extra well done. That way, when I look at it, I'm like, 'Okay, cool.'

We're getting older, and we were never taught these things as kids: how to eat the right portions or the right food.

For the hip-hop community, for us to get ahead and go the vegan route or just reducing how much meat you eat, I think it's great for hip-hop, the youth, and the future, everybody.

I love cheese, and I love onions, pickles, and crunchy things. That's as far as I go with having things crunchy on my burger. I wouldn't go as far as having carrots on my burger. I'll just keep it simple with pickles and cucumbers and some raw onions.

When Slick Rick first hit the scene, I had to practice that British accent. There's no other storyteller like this man.

Everyone's seen poverty - well, most have.

When I was 18, 19, I had my fun.

I can't knock gay rap, or retarded rap - whatever. Do what you do; I don't really listen to it. I don't really pay that no attention. Like I said, it's not my cup of tea - to each his own. At the end of the day, we all people.

Obama's just a puppet - he's a puppet in a chair.

I can't talk about Christianity if I don't know it. You can't talk about Muslims or Islam if you don't know it.

When I see something that I know that's worth something, I go after it.

I love music, and I got an ear for it.

You got a lot of girls out there that can rhyme and are underground, but it's sex appeal that makes people really big.

I get a little bit of cardio.

When you up performing, you gotta have your energy right, so I look after myself, and I take vitamins to give me that boost.

All this could go tomorrow, and I would still know how to function, because I never had nothing before. I went through the struggle - it was a rough life.

I got a song called 'All That I Got Is You.' I wrote that from the heart.

You can write music till you 70.

Lyrics over some nice beats - that's what the people want from us.

I write stories, I don't just write rhymes, I write books.

I've got stories on every one of my albums, big ones.