We wrote and recorded the 'Bond' song on a tour bus in Texas.

I feel like the thing that I've learned a lot is when you're involved in something, you don't always get to appreciate it for what it is as much. You're focused on the details and how you can make it better. It's kind of torture.

Well, I mean there are so many producers that inspire me. I used to try to imitate production by certain people. And now I'm only interested in doing the opposite of that. I'm only interested in doing production that like no one's ever done before.

I felt really lucky in that I've gotten to know some of my favorite artists; I get to tell them how important they are to me. But that doesn't always make me want to work with people. I feel like if I'm going to work with somebody, it's because I feel like I actually have something to add to them.

All the albums that I grew up listening to were produced by one person.

You might think of Hollywood as this full-on glamorous thing and to us it was like, 'All right, mom's got an audition. Do you want to sit in traffic for 50 minutes and go in with her?'

I really always wanted to be an adult. I didn't really like being an adolescent at all.

I've learned a lot from my mom and my dad. I learn a lot every time I watch Billie perform.

People don't come to see a Billie Eilish show to come to see me. They come to see her. So I just try not to screw up too much on my instruments.

I'm not a control freak in that like I boss everybody around, but like a control freak and like, I like knowing exactly what I get to do that day and having a say.

To be honest, I've found so many more friends in the music industry than people I disagree with. I certainly haven't been made to feel like an outsider.

I am not a very superstitious person, but I do believe in mental preparation.

If you're thinking about all the possibilities of your life, there are extreme negatives, which you hope don't happen, and extreme positives, which you just aren't willing to think about because you think you'll jinx it.

I'm just obsessed with music I guess.

I am just fascinated by music and I want to know how to identify all the things I love about it; to me music theory is like learning another language and then being able to explain how much you love something more clearly.

The way that we tried to approach every piece of music is, if the song had a brain, it would be aware of its catalog.

As soon as you make anything that people like, you get all these new artists hitting you up like 'I want to sound just like Billie Eilish.' And I'm always like, 'Absolutely not.'

I'm not very interested in fame or notoriety at all - in fact, I'd be pretty bummed out if I woke up one day and I was, like, super, super famous. But the flipside of that is that I'm really passionate about my music, I'm really proud of it and I want it to be heard by as many people as possible, and I'm willing to embrace whatever comes with that.

Our mom cooks well, and we cook poorly. We try.

Billie doesn't actually like recording sessions at all. We like making music together. She doesn't like going to some big studio and having them pretend to be a therapist for a couple hours. So by default, we always make the good stuff together.

We were a very crunchy, sort of hippie-dippy family.

Definitely for me and my sister, wherever we are the most comfortable is where the best music's going to be made.

I don't really have any interest in recording at places that are institutionalized for recording.

Usually, I get bored of my stuff almost immediately.