I've been to New Zealand before, many times. And of course it has a significance to me because I do have something that's very special in New Zealand. I have '10 Guitars,' which is a very popular song, and I understand it's like the second national anthem over there.

There is no harm in showing your feelings. It's not unmanly.

When I first got successful, I was particularly aware of being immaculate at all times, so I would get on a plane in one outfit, and get off in another. It doesn't happen in today's world, but when you are met by the press at both ends, you do have to.

I've had many highs in my career, and Eurovision has been a wonderful experience.

I don't take my image seriously. I make fun of the fact that some people think I'm a romantic figure.

My music has been my passport to the world, and it's been amazing for me.

I like Bruno Mars a lot. I think he's great.

There used to be Engelbert dolls with sideburns. Now they sell Elvis dolls with the sideburns, but I don't begrudge him that.

Do you know what they say about big hands? Big gloves!

When people hear romantic songs, they fall in love.

I don't put faces on a dartboard. I just love the game, and I think I play it very well.

My family has always been important to me.

When I'm performing, sometimes a lyric will touch on my personal life, and it can be difficult to sing. For instance, when I sing 'How I Love You,' I'll choke up.

The vocal chords are like most other muscles that need to be worked out.

I am a balladeer. People fall in love to ballads, and that is what makes the world go round.

I love to smile. I love to laugh. I like to hear jokes. For instance, when I'm on the road, every night I watch 'Seinfeld.' I find it somewhere. I think it's so funny, and I watch the repeats over and over again.

I can go in front of thousands of people on stage and not be afraid, but when there's just a few people, that scares me.

I thing Ed Sheeran is fantastic.

I have a nine handicap in golf - I can always find time for a round - and I'm on my treadmill and cross-trainer every day.

My first manager chose the name Engelbert Humperdinck for me. My real name is Arnold George Dorsey. It didn't really quite hit the entertainment industry the way it should have. But when my manager chose the name Engelbert Humperdinck, I had a hit record immediately, which was called 'Release Me.'

There was a time I'd do 300 shows a year.

I have a very good sense of humour. I love telling jokes, especially on the golf course.

I've seen many great performers on stage, from Dean Martin to Celine Dion, but nothing beats the first time I saw Elvis. There was no pomp, no pyrotechnics, nothing to distract you from the raw talent of the man in the white jumpsuit.

I was very unsure of myself when I was young and an ugly little beggar with protruding teeth, so I used to lie on them at night to try to straighten them.