Actually, my mother turned me on to the blues. We had Lightnin' Hopkins as well as Elvis Presley records.

I love movies and I'm interested in watching how they're made and everything.

Every album is unto itself, so whatever sounds we need to come up with, like way back when, we needed horns. So we invented the Lone Wolf Horns, and we learned how to play horns.

Through the career, planned or unplanned - usually unplanned - we've taken different turns. And it's culminated in a worldwide following that's pretty substantial.

Country music, like rock or blues, can move over into a lot of different areas.

Being a musician in Texas had its own set of risks.

My major influences were primarily guitar players and bands; I started playing bass by accident.

I'd go over to friends' houses and ask them to put on some Howlin' Wolf, and they wouldn't know what I was talking about. Then, when they would come over to my house, I'd play them some blues. Their parents wouldn't let them come back. The blues were still called 'race records' back then.

Vegas to me is a place like Hollywood or New York where you can walk around and people recognize you but it's like, hey, that's cool, and then we go on with our lives.

I think life is there for you to grab it and be positive. Just look for the good everywhere.

People are all the time telling me stories: they named their son after me, or more than likely their dog. Or they got a tattoo.

When I was younger, I'd listen to a song and take it literally. I'd think, Boy, what a drag. How horrible, he must be really bummin'.

In each city there are different favorites. Whatever we do, we'll come off the stage and somebody will ask how come we didn't do 'Pearl Necklace.' At the next town, it's something else we didn't do that they wanted to hear.

Yeah, playing live for me is the essence of what we do.

People shouldn't knock the synthesizer. It's an aid, and it depends on how you use it, just like any other instrument.

You know how a dog and his owner start to look alike after a while? Well, that's like me and Billy.

I'm living proof that Hepatitis C can be contained and that ZZ Top cannot.

I don't know if it was a single-blade or one of those straight-edge razors, but I used to play in bands that were, like, show bands and would play different clubs, and, in those days, I would go to the barber twice a week.

We were bunched up with Southern bands, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. We just wanted to make it clear we weren't a Southern band.

Axl did sometimes have volatile actions, but I knew that guy as a whole - all the good stuff, too.

It's volatile with GNR. Every night, it's anarchy on stage. Who knows what's gonna happen? That's rock n' roll, man.

Rock n' roll is a volatile thing; at least, it's supposed to be.

You can't mass produce somebody's heart and soul. It's a very delicate thing.

My twenties were tumultuous at best... I think.