I don't even listen to the records after they come out. It's outlawed in my house. My wife and my kids can't play any of my music around me. Once it comes out, for me, it's just business. Numbers.

I'd rather deal with Tipper than Bush. He's trying to kill everybody in jail.

I'm a producer at heart. I like being in the control room and directing people. That's what I do. But I've gotten on the mic a few times in my career; people seem to like it, so I'll do it again here and there. But that's really not my thing.

I've been living the American Dream for over 25 years - just being able to do what I do, be creative, and make money out of it. It's incredible.

My mother got pregnant with me at the age of fifteen. This was '64, and unheard of at that time.

I sequence during the entire recording process. The sequencing changes as I'm recording and as I'm listening. From when I'm, like, four songs in, I start trying to figure out which song should come after which. Which is important, and it changes as the album goes.

I've never considered myself a rapper. I know how to do it. I know how to make my voice project, and I know how to stay on beat and what have you, but I've never considered myself a rapper.

Before now, I've always taken my mixes out to the car and listened to them in the parking lot. I still do that, but more so now I'm listening to it on the Beat box, and I think people should give it at least a listen and check it out and see what it is.

I've always hated authority from an early age. And authority have always hated me.

Once a song is done, for me, personally, it's usually two or three days to get the mixdown.

I've sold a lot of records. Did I keep other artists from eating?

There is some sampling on my records and a lot of what I call replays, where I'd have musicians come in the studio and replay the sample from the original record. But mainly, we'd come up with our own music.

I'm a fan of J. Cole.

I did record 'The Chronic' in 1992. The year was not a total loss.

I just want to get my music out and make sure that it's heard in the right way.

There's actually a lot of producers that I like to listen to.

In my opinion, some of the hip-hop records that come out, people are willing to compromise. I'm not.

I don't think I would go back and change anything that's happened in my career, because maybe those things were steppingstones to where I am now.

I'm never gonna stop music, it's like air to me.

I have social anxiety.

I'm going to record forever.

A lot of times when I'm at home kickin' it, I don't even listen to hip hop. I listen to all types of music.

I've always been a lunatic.

I just make the music feel the way I want it to feel, and I don't put it out until I'm totally happy with it.