I feel like people expect a lot from me.

If Trump becomes president, he wouldn't be afraid to step on toes. And he'll be feared by the world.

With the right vibes and the right people, it's easy to create something magical.

I've come to find out everybody loves ol' David Allan Coe, even people like Kid Rock.

Most bands don't make it past two albums and tours, if that. We pulled it off, and everybody's been happy and cool, but we got to the point where we knew it was time to take a break.

Way before we got a record deal, we were playing clubs seven nights a week, three one-hour sets a night. Then we got the record deal, and we took off on the road and stayed out.

I respect the Pantera fans with all my heart.

I can never understand how a solo could ever be 'uncool.' Play something good, and it won't be uncool, you know?

I've tried to force a solo before, but sometimes it's like, 'That thing don't really fit, man!'

I'm into the whole song-as-a-piece-of-music thing: if it literally doesn't call for it, if it already has enough stuff going on, then it's okay not to play a solo.

I always go for that live, honest feel when I'm going for that first rhythm track. I'll never hold back on a part just so it'll be easier for me to double it later on - to my ears, it sounds sterile if you do that. I always want to get that initial track kicking and full of slurs, squeals and feel. I'll worry about doubling it later!

It's funny, man, sometimes you record something that you plan on re-doing later, but then when you listen back to it, you decide to keep it because you realize that it's gonna be real tough to beat!

I'll sleep anywhere!

Yeah, nothing feels better than knowing that I can put a guitar in my hands at any time and rip - even when I'm taking a crap!

Find someone you can jam with. That's a big deal. When you play with someone else, you gotta work together to get the thing started and in time, working and in the groove.

To make harmonics scream, I first dump my Floyd Rose real quick, hit a harmonic with my left hand while the string is still flapping, and then use the bar to pull it up to the pitch I wanna hit.

I love 'Dogman' by King's X and Living Colour's 'Stain.'

I'm not going for a soft sound. I ain't lookin' for a warm sound. My sound is warm, but I don't need tubes to do it. The Randall RG-100 is the best amp for what I do.

Whenever I record more than two or three layers, it starts to get cluttered up, and you can't hear the cut of the guitars as good. It's hard to get four guitars to hit at exactly the same time and keep the attack tight.

I do some three-part harmonies on 'Throes of Rejection' and 'Hard Lines, Sunken Cheeks,' but I didn't go overboard with it.

When you're on the road, you've got to have your four-track - or some kind of recording device to jam on and have a good time.

As far as I'm concerned, it's no good being able to wail out smokin' leads if your rhythm chops hugg!

I use some pretty radical harmonics at the beginning of 'Heresy.'

Some of my favorite harmonics are located between frets. There are two really cool ones between the 2nd and 3rd frets that I use a lot.