It's embarrassing to quote Gandhi or something, but being the change you want to see in the world is pretty powerful.

The real hippie is trying to create something inclusive, something holistic, something loving and healthy which isn't in perpetual conflict with authority and actually knows that the only way to disarm the entire game is to step aside and not take any sides.

I sometimes feel like I should be in the hotel business.

I remember when I was a kid I thought I could either be an athletic water drinker, like an Olympic-level water drinker, or I could invent Windex. Which I thought was really smart, because it already existed.

Green is one of my favorite colors.

I like clothes. I really do. I like going through colors, in a way. I go, 'Greens, man. Greens. Oh, yellow. This yellow feels good.' So it shapes your psyche in a way. But I don't think about it too much, even though I'm interested in it.

I've been doing visual stuff for as long as I've been making records; in fact, for longer.

One not-to-be-mentioned major said they would sign me if I worked with a team of songwriters to help me finish songs, ha! Of course, in hindsight, I should've done it just to see what that would have been like.

I come from a school of artists, the Mission School in San Francisco, and there are a lot of artists I look up to.

I can't imagine anyone approaching art without the joy of experimentation. The joy of it is inherent... and that is how you flow with the reality of change.

With music there's so many limbs and facets. Video and touring and merchandise and all those little things require attention. They're artist things but I tend to joke around too much with those things.

I've always lived in small places.

I do have very small handwriting.

I'm very lucky my parents were into different kinds of music.

I don't ever think of myself as a dark person or a ruined person in any way. I just feel happy to be alive, and to be able to love.

I love 'Star Wars.'

I was born with a beard. We're quite hairy down in Latin America. We don't have to use sponges when we wash dishes. We just use our baby beards.

People love to take sides, but it's not effective. It's not really an effective way of communicating something, because you're either already part of the side or you're going to feel attacked and get defensive.

I've always said that musicians are the comics of my generations and comedians are the politicians of my generation.

I guess I don't want everyone to know what I'm doing every second.

Coming to Canada, I'd really like to see Sasquatch.

Personally speaking, Canada is becoming more and more beguiling and mysterious and I feel as though I really need to explore it.

Canada has really grown and grown as this unexplored and very mysterious and exotic place to me.

I believe we are all dual beings. Some cultures actually believe we have two souls.