I pinch myself daily at the good fortune of my life, you know, in many ways.

Whatever happens in life is fine - just trust in that.

If life isn't about human beings and living in harmony, then I don't know what it's about.

I remember one time that I was filming a scene in whych my character rides through Troy on a chariot. I just looked around at this incredible set thinking 'This is the life'.

I've lived a very nomadic life, which I enjoy.

People come into your life and people leave it... you just have to trust that life has a road mapped out for you.

I just want to have a nice, happy life.

I think it's important if you are an actor, if you are portraying human life, you have to connect with what is human. It's not easy if you spend a lot of time in L.A. and get sucked into the hedonism of the industry.

I have dual citizenship; it just so happens I live in America. I would like to go back to Wales. I'm obsessed with my childhood, and at least three times a week dream I am back there.

I do admire Judi Dench and Sir Ian McKellen, but I'm a philistine. I like the good life too much; I'm not good at going on stage night after night and on wet Wednesday afternoons.

I love life because what more is there?

My life turned out to be beyond my greatest dreams.

Relish everything that's inside of you, the imperfections, the darkness, the richness and light and everything. And that makes for a full life.

I'm married. My wife, Stella - a beautiful woman. She's brought a lot of peace to my life, a lot of wisdom.

I like the good life too much, I'm not good at going on stage night after night and on wet Wednesday afternoons.

I have dual citizenship, it just so happens I live in America.

I came here in 1974 to do a play, and then I went to L.A. I really like living in America. I feel more at home here than anywhere else.

I don't have people following me around, like bodyguards. I don't know how people live like that. Maybe the young movie stars have to live like that, I don't know. But it seems a little crazy to me. I don't think you need all that stuff.

I've been composing music all my life and if I'd been clever enough at school I would like to have gone to music college.

I'm one of the slowest drivers on the road. I mosey along. If you're doing anything too fast, including living life too fast, that creates sudden death. If I have to be somewhere on time, I make sure I leave early enough.

This industry has been really good to me. It's been a great life. I'm not through yet. I'm ready when you are, Mr. DeMille.

I was bullied as a boy - lots of kids are, but hopefully most of us get on with our lives and grow up.

I've felt like an outsider all my life. It comes from my mother, who always felt like an outsider in my father's family. She was a powerful woman, and she motivated my father.

It will be the kiss by which all others in your life will be judged... and found wanting.