A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.

We remain unnecessarily worried. All worries are futile because that which is going to happen is going to happen.

Love is the ultimate, the end. You love for love's own sake. It is not a means to anything else, it is its own end.

Love is just like a breeze: it comes, but you should not close your doors to keep the breeze inside.

The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself, nobody can destroy your dignity then, because it is not dependent on anybody's opinion.

I would like marriage to disappear completely from the world, and with marriage, divorce will disappear.

People are not things, you cannot have ownership.

Eyes which have lost their tears have lost their most beautiful, their most glorious treasure.

Never be ashamed of your tears. Be proud that you are still natural. Be proud that you can express the inexpressible through your tears.

One day you will disappear on a funeral pyre - just into nothingness, as smoke.

Don't get attached to anything.

You are creating your own hell.

The miserable person is easily enslaved.The cheerful person,the blissful person,cannot be enslaved.

Watch,witness,observe your thoughts-without any judgement,without any condemnation or evaluation...

The really intelligent person keeps his childhood alive to his last breath.He never loses it-the wonder the child feels looking at the birds,looking at the flowers,looking at the sky...Intelligence also has to be,in the same way,childlike.

Life is not a tragedy, it is a comedy. To be alive means to have a sense of humor.

Meditation is not concentration. It is simple awareness. You simply relax and watch the breathing. In that watching, nothing is excluded. The car is humming - perfectly okay, accept it. The traffic is passing - that's okay, part of life. The fellow passenger snoring by your side, accept it. Nothing is rejected. You are not to narrow down your consciousness.

If your inner being changes, your whole outer life will be totally different. It will have a different fragrance, a different beauty, a different grace. And when your inner being is changed and becomes a flame of light, you will become a light unto others too. You will become a beckoning light, a great herald of a new dawn. Your very presence will trigger revolutions in other people's lives.

Just look at life with more playful eyes. Don't be serious. Seriousness becomes like a blindness. Don't pretend to be a thinker, a philosopher. Just simply be a human being. The whole world is showering its joy on you in so many ways, but if you are too serious, you cannot open your heart.

Life is not somewhere waiting for you, it is happening in you. It is not in the future as a goal to be arrived at, it is herenow, this very moment - in your breathing, circulating in your blood, beating in your heart. Whatsoever you are is your life, and if you start seeking meaning somewhere else, you will miss it. Man has done that for centuries.

Truth needs meditative eyes. If you don't have meditative eyes, then the whole life is just dull dead facts, unrelated to each other, accidental, meaningless, a jumble, just a chance phenomenon. If you see the truth, everything falls into line, everything falls together in a harmony, everything starts having significance.

A man who is afraid of death will be afraid of life also, because life brings death. If you are afraid of the enemy and you close your door, the friend will also be prohibited.

To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.

The less the head, the more the wound will heal. No head there is no wound. Live a headless life. Move as a total being, and accept things.