“The essence of a happy life and a peaceful society lies in one sentence – What can I Give?”

“The bird is powered by its own life and by its motivation.”

“Potential has a shelf life.”

“A home filled with nothing but yourself. It's heavy, that lightness. It's crushing, that emptiness.”

"My dad actually makes the best cookies. My mum is great baker, too, but doesn't share them - it's tantalising! Luckily for me though, my dad shares his!"

"I've never gone on a date... If I've ever had a man in my life, it's because I know him well, and he really means something to me."

"I can't believe we're being paid to live in New York."

"I had a lot of friends in high school, but I was never the wild party girl. Never have been, never plan to be!"

“The greatest fine art of the future will be the making of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.” 

“The better part of one's life consists of his friendships.” 

"So, it's cool that, yes, Hal Jordan is a superhero, but my character is a real-world hero in her own life."

"It is hard that people don't just let you do your job for them and entertain, and then carry on your own life."

succeed, but I am bound to live up to what light I have.” 

"My greatest passion is my personal life."

"You could spend your life trying to uncover all the treasures in New Orleans and not even scratch the surface. It's such an amazing place."

"We forge the chains we wear in life."

"There is a man who would give his life to keep a life you love beside you."

"Trifles make the sum of life."

"Life is made of so many partings welded together"

“They spend half they lives worrying about what white folks think.” 

“We now live in a world where the most valuable skill you can sell is knowledge.” 

“At the end of the day, the circumstances of your life-- what you look like,where you come from, how much money you have, what you've got going on at home--none of that is an excuse... where you are right now doesn't have to determine where you'll end up. No ones written your destiny for you, because here in America, you write you own destiny.You make your own future.” 

“We will not apologize for oour way of life, nor will we waver in its defense, and for those who seek to advance their aims by inducing terror and slaughtering innocents, we say to you now that our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken; you cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you.” 

“Our values call upon us to care about the lives of people we will never meet.”