“I've lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

Between every two pine trees there is a door leading to a new way of life

I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.

I like to stay free because then I can see the little miracles in life. There are little miracles everywhere; it’s just we have taken them for granted.

I don’t think life is that hard. I think we make it hard.

I wish I had done all of the same things but with less emotion and less anger.

Everything you’re a winner at now in your life, you were a once a loser at.

Your closest friends are the ones you can have a relationship with about nothing.

We just play games in life. You grow up, you’re playing the school game, you’re playing the social game. Then you’re playing the money game; then you’re playing the status game. These games just have longer and longer and longer-lived horizons. At some point, at least I believe that these are all just games. There are games where the outcome really stops mattering once you see through a game.

Change is not merely necessary to life – it is life.

It made sense to be pessimistic in the past, but it makes sense to be an optimist today.

We’re genetically wired to be pessimists, but modern society is far, far safer.

It’s easier to change yourself than to change the world.

On his morning routines: 1 hour meditation + 1 hour workout/yoga.

If you don’t make time for people when they’re requesting time for you, yes it’s a little painful, it’s a little socially awkward, but the people aren’t going to disrespect you. If anything they want to hang out with you even more, because they realize you’re very discriminating with your time.

You have to be pretty ruthless about saying no to things, about turning people down, and about leaving room in your life for serendipity.

There’s no certainty in life. You can put in the hours, you can put in the time, but you can’t really expect the outcome.

I think happiness is a skill, nutrition is a skill, diet is a skill, investing is a skill, self awareness is a skill. And skills get built up over decades with feedback loops and you just have to constantly keep working on it.

Stop caring about the impact and just be the best version of you possible – then you’ll naturally have an impact. 

A personal metric: how much of the day is spent doing things out of obligation rather than out of interest?

If you’re going to pick 3 cards in the hand you’re dealt, take intelligence, drive, and most importantly, emotional self-discipline.

On the meaning of life: You get to make up your own answer and that’s the beauty of it. If there was a single answer, we wouldn’t be free. We’d be trapped because we’d all have to live to that answer. We’d be robots competing with each other trying to fulfill that meaning more than the next person.

A great goal in life would be to not have to be in a given place at a given time… Being accountable for your output rather than your input. I would love to be paid purely for my judgment.

All humans are meant to do something different every day. The idea that we repeat ourselves and we specialize and we pigeon hole ourselves is a modern invention created through specialization of labor in the industrial revolution.