Every day we’re given chances to embrace the new.

Start thinking of yourself as an artist and your life as a work-in-progress.

Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time, you are incomparable,

So it is with the concerto of our lives. Individual notes must be learned and played and practiced before we achieve harmony. And above all, we must learn how to pause.

Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. —BUDDHA

Regret is the only wound from which the soul never recovers

When we realize gratefully that we can live by our own lights if we access the Power. Ask for it. Claim it. Today.

Invite Divine Order into your life today and a more serene tomorrow will unfold.

I was learning to differentiate between my needs and my wants and this powerful lesson had to be mastered before I could move forward.

Sidetracked women, who scatter their energies to the four winds, never achieve serenity. (Nervous breakdowns, to be sure, but not serenity.) It’s as simple as that.

Your diamonds are not in far distant mountains or in yonder seas; they are in your own backyard, if you but dig for them. —RUSSELL H. CONWELL

Let go of limiting illusions that have held you back from knowing that just to be alive is a grand thing.

Today, be willing to believe that a companion Spirit is leading you every step of the way, and knows the next step.

A sobering thought: what if, right at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential? —JANE WAGNER

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line,” Lucille Ball advised. “You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.

I’ve got a good feeling that this coming year is going to be your best yet. Heaven knows you deserve it.

We should only strive to be first-rate versions of ourselves. And our best is always good enough.

Simple abundance, 1: an inner journey; 2: a spiritual and practical course in creative living; 3: a tapestry of contentment

Realize the past no longer holds you captive. It can only continue to hurt you if you hold on to it. Let the past go. A simply abundant world awaits.

Your heart will always tell you what’s working and what’s not.

Take a risk a day—one small or bold stroke that makes you feel great once you have done it.

There is no companion so companionable as Solitude,” Thoreau reminds me as I carry a hot cup of tea back to bed.

One can never change the past, only the hold it has on you,” Merle Shain reassures us, “and while nothing in your life is reversible, you can reverse it nevertheless.

If it’s not authentically you, live without it.