I wanted to be the kind of woman who would attract a certain kind of man that I could respect. That was my thinking. It had to do with the kind of couple I would be a part of.

I'm the youngest in my family, and everyone is very funny, and I was always trying to keep up with them. I just loved making people laugh.

Blonde is dumb comedy, red hair is smart, sexy comedy.

I actually made an effort to reject acting, to shove it out of my body, because I didn't want my kids to have an actress as a mother-to have, like, a silly person.

I found the right man, got married, and just had to keep not reinventing myself, just deciding that it doesn't matter what you are if you are a good person.

I have no affectation when I speak.

My hair got lighter, and I gradually went blonde. I liked it. Had more fun. But my image of myself in my head is this dark-haired person.

One fantasy is that I just do a Don Roos movie every year if that's possible. If he'd have me.

Shirley MacLaine said, You're so funny, then gave me a hug. Everything went white. I couldn't hear, I couldn't see. I thought I was going to pass out.

Watching a person lose their dignity used to be uncomfortable, and now it's an expected part of the program that we're becoming comfortable with.

We wanted to do a woman on a reality show because that's what's happening right now-it's part of our culture.

You become a celebrity, not because of your work or what you do, but because you have no privacy.

Life's a lot easier when you're dumb.

I've been careful to keep my life separate because it's important to me to have privacy and for my life not to be a marketing device for a movie or a TV show. I'm worth more than that.

I've been careful to keep my life separate because it's important to me to have privacy and for my life not to be a marketing device for a movie or a TV show. I'm worth more than that.

I have trouble describing characters because there is just too much going on in human beings.

I've learned you can make a mistake and the whole world doesn't end. I had to learn to allow myself to make a mistake without becoming defensive and unforgiving.

I've learned you can make a mistake and the whole world doesn't end. I had to learn to allow myself to make a mistake without becoming defensive and unforgiving.

I’m the youngest in my family and everyone is very funny, and I was always trying to keep up with them. I just loved making people laugh.

I think it's very easy to get caught up and think that how many hits you get in a magazine because you were seen out somewhere has anything to do with a director's opinion of you, and whether they could use you or not.

You can't pursue something and be committed to it if you're apologizing for it at every party.

I just listened to that inner voice. By the way, it's always a good move to listen to that inner voice... if it doesn't lead to a crime

I don't even know if it's possible, but if it were, I'd like to make those kinds of old movies where the women were articulate and intelligent and flawed and witty.

This is who I am. Not everybody has to like it.