Throughout our history the United States has benefited form having stronger relationships, including investments in Europe, that have kept us and the world safer and benefited us economically.

In my plan, I call for breaking up ICE and returning its enforcement functions to the Department of Justice.

I don't believe we need to choose between addressing economic issues and addressing issues of social or racial justice.

I focus on telling the truth and painting a vision of what the country can become in the future if we make the right investments together in things like health care, and education, and jobs and opportunity.

I grew up Catholic. The Catholic faith has played an integral role in my life. At the same time, I don't think that there is a single person that doesn't have some disagreements with their faith.

I do believe that being in public office is all about making choices. And if I'm president, I would steer this nation in a direction where we embrace progressive values.

If the choice is between universal health care or fixing our broken immigration system or upholding a 60-vote filibuster rule that is nowhere in the Constitution, I'm going to choose actually making progress for the American people.

I have a track record of getting things done as secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Got a call on April 16, 2014 from President Barack Obama - I remember the date because it's not every day that the president calls you and asks you if you want a job.

People are getting more active and living healthier in San Antonio, whether it's walking, cycling, or using our parks. We now have concrete evidence that our investments are paying off and positively impacting the health of our families and the overall quality of life in San Antonio.

The overwhelming success of San Antonio B-Cycle has proven that San Antonio is a model city for bike-sharing, and as we work toward creating a fitter city, the bike-share program encourages a more active and healthy lifestyle.

The destiny of the Latino community is interwoven with the destiny of the United States.

Republicans are so far out to the right, it's pushing people into the Democratic Party.

I want to be able to pick up a list of names of graduates from high schools and colleges in the city and to see that that list is longer than it was when I started in 2009.

I wanted more people from my city to be able to have the kind of opportunity that I had.

We all understand that freedom isn't free. What Romney and Ryan don't understand is that neither is opportunity. We have to invest in it.

Some people are lucky enough to borrow money from their parents, but that shouldn't determine whether you can pursue your dreams.

The Tea Party definitely scored a significant victory with Senator Cruz's election in 2012 and scored victories in some statewide primaries. But to me, as the Tea Party gets stronger within the Republican Party in Texas, the prospect of a blue Texas becomes stronger and stronger.

I grew up in a Texas where people would say, 'I didn't leave the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party left me.' Now, the reverse is happening. People are leaving the Republican Party because the Republican Party is going too far to the right in Texas. And that's a source of great potential support for Democrats.

My grandmother, when she was young, would've walked past shops where some folks had out a sign that said, 'No Mexicans or dogs allowed.'

The only part of my mother's experience that still gets to me is the way she and people like her were looked down upon for asking America to be America, for asking for full and equal participation in our democracy.

This thing has been studied to death by Republicans and Democrats: several committees, including in Congress, that have all said, 'Yes, of course what happened was tragic, but Secretary Clinton was not in any way at fault,' and what you have here with these e-mails is basically a witch hunt.

Technology has transformed how we live, learn and work, but not everyone has been able to participate in these developments.

Hispanics have been among the biggest beneficiaries of the Affordable Care Act.