With the Ending One-Ring Scams Act of 2019, I continue my fight against those that prey on the weak.

For illegal robocallers, the goal isn't always getting you to answer. Sometimes, it's getting you to call back.

It is important that we are looking at renewable resources and growing businesses based on them.

Bringing solar as a renewable energy resource for those who are not able to install solar panels on their roofs allows more communities to benefit from a solar array.

We were elected to work together and help keep this country the greatest nation in the world.

Elected officials need to stop with the name calling and hateful statements.

We must work together as Americans in a bipartisan fashion.

In addition to dealing with call spoofing and robocalls with acts like the Robocall Enforcement Enhancement Act, the American people require a larger scale approach.

It sickens me to hear of people being unable to get coverage if they have a pre-existing condition, or of seniors that are struggling to afford prescriptions.

Our focus should be on finding a bipartisan solution to healthcare that makes it more affordable and accessible to all Americans.

It is time to get rid of the harmful and dangerous practice of offshore drilling once and for all.

Energy efficiency not only saves businesses and consumers money, but it also reduces pollution by cutting energy use.

We must focus on strengthening the Affordable Care Act in ways that protect families and small businesses, and not on stripping away coverage from the most vulnerable.

As a dentist and representative, I have seen firsthand the need to make our healthcare system both more accessible and affordable.

We should not put additional stressors on God's creatures through irresponsible trade practices in wild birds.

Stockton University is a cornerstone of South Jersey.

No one understands the impacts of shifting fish stocks more than commercial and recreational fishermen in my district.

The people of South Jersey know that climate change is real and that it impacts their quality of life. They see that our streets flood almost every time it rains and they have seen that extreme weather events have become more frequent and more violent.

Anti-Semitism or discrimination of any kind has no place in our society.

The people of South Jersey are counting on me.

I will continue to do all I can to work together with my fellow Representatives for the betterment of the American people and the people of South Jersey.

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, or Independent, facts matter.

Regardless of what side of the issue you are on, the release of the Mueller Report is essential to restoring faith in our government.

The American Legion is a cornerstone of the community of South Jersey, and the United States, and its programs and activities strengthen our nation.