Newspapers in this country are famously independent of politics.

Broken Britain isn't just about our indebted economy, it's also about our broken society and broken politics too.

We must formulate policies to allow everyone to have the same opportunities in life and fix our broken society too.

Throughout the ages it has always been possible to point to good and bad architecture.

We want councillors and MPs to be more closely involved in housing issues because this will help to strengthen local democracy and accountability.

It's impossible to know precisely what constitutes the right house price but I do know that house prices doubling or even tripling over a 10 year period caused a lot of people to find that getting a foot on the housing ladder is near on impossible.

I don't see any reason why society can't function well when people come together in the common interest under our system. In fact that's what the Big Society is all about!

My great hope for my speck of time on this planet would be that I live and die, and that what I leave behind has made some kind of impression and has been for the better in terms of my family and friends and, in my case, public service.

Look, ideally I'd like to have free money to give to everybody. The reality is in government you have to choose and make decisions.

If you believe in staying at home and looking after your kids, and bringing your kids up, we think it is a fantastic thing to do.

A tax is something people pay out of income.

One of the cruellest things of all is to have a huge deficit in this country, meaning that everyone's children will be expected to pay back for our debt today. That is unfair as well.

I want to reignite the idea of community with a positive conservatism in which the word 'development' has a new connotation, kind of like a social revolution.

The more the government has centralised, the less houses we have built.

Things don't always go according to plan. That's life and that's government.

No government can maintain the public's confidence if it is outwardly split.

It is often said there is a great deal of talent in the Conservative Parliamentary Party. This is true, but too many of the brightest and best remain on the backbenches.

Having served in the Forces a positive when it comes to applying for jobs. But we know some former service personnel can find the transition difficult.

I believe that enabling former service personnel to travel more easily is the least we can do.

Every part of society should honour the debt we owe those who've served our country.

Like all parents, I want to give my kids the best start in life.

Welfare's just one of the problems Labour failed to tackle when they were in government.

We'll always focus on creating a society where people who work hard and want to get on in life are rewarded.

When I was setting up my own business in my early 20s I'd get up early and work every hour I could stay awake.