Enhancing our NORAD relationship will remind the Americans that both our economic and security interests are integrated in such a way that you could not possibly view them as apart.

We always knew that name-recognition wise, that was really my one weakness.

A Conservative government under Andrew Scheer would implement a coherent China strategy, taking a harder line on China's missteps.

Do we go back and be the mushy middle party? Or do we have conservative, principled ideas for all the issues of the day, from the economy, from foreign policy, defence, security, that's the choice.

Whereas Canada and our allies see the rule of law, freedom of speech, and fair elections as the guardrails to a more secure world, Beijing sees them as a threat to the rule of the Communist Party.

On trade, a Conservative government would challenge China's actions on canola and meat imports through the World Trade Organization and withdraw funding from the Chinese-run Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank.

I do not think that abortion services should be part of our foreign aid funding in any way.

The federal government needs to make it clear that recognition of Indigenous rights means that when Indigenous bands and their leadership approve projects, we listen.

Raising a family is life's greatest joy, but it can also be humbling. You cannot do it alone.

Greenhouse gas production, water usage and environmental issues more broadly are being mitigated by Canadian technological advances more and more each year.

I've got cabinet experience, military experience, and private sector experience.

Like all Canadians, I was deeply frustrated by the decision of U.S. President Donald Trump to impose tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Conservatives are the party of free trade, and numerous Conservative MPs, including our leader Andrew Scheer, have travelled to the United States to help make the case for Canada.

Canada has, entrenched in our Constitution, a world-leading recognition of Indigenous rights.

Helping parents to meet the everyday costs of raising their families, helping them lift themselves up to create a better life for their children and keeping them safe is what motivated me to get into public life, and it continues to drive me every day.

We need to reach out to more Canadians to show them that they could see themselves reflected in our party.

I respect teachers and professors.

When I was in the military, my dad ran in the Mike Harris 1995 Common Sense Revolution election, and that's where I really made the decision that one day I would love to run for office.

There's got to be a zero tolerance to racism, anti-Semitism, any form of division and intolerance.

I have more experience in the green economy than anyone in that Liberal caucus. I care about it. But we don't put all of our chips in it. With the Trudeau government, it is all about rhetoric and ideology and not about a practical approach.

Veterans need employment opportunities and the development of a Hire a Veteran culture in Canada.

I've been standing up against what I call the 'virtue signalling' from Justin Trudeau which actually ignores the real challenges of the day and offers symbolic gestures as a substitute.

We must be sure that Canadians realize that our political differences with the Communist government in China has nothing to do with the country of China, or its people. The millions of Canadians with Chinese ancestry are not connected to our diplomatic differences with Beijing.

For many years I have talked about building a Hire a Veteran culture in Canada in order that both public and private sector employers understand and value military training and experience in their hiring programs. For me, this work began long before I became a Member of Parliament.

I have fought back against voices out there that want to curtail immigration, because immigration is critical to our success.