High-frequency traders are firms all around the world. They're massive investments. And there is an incredible race for speed now. People are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to shave milliseconds off.

After the 1970s, when President Nixon's illegal campaign cash was used as a secret slush fund to pay for the Watergate burglary and cover-up, Americans have demanded to know where the money fueling our elections is coming from.

We must use every tool at our disposal to lift the living standards of low-wage employees.

We've got to do more to ensure that people who work full time are not living in poverty and that the massive gap between rich and poor - which is fundamentally un-American, as far as I'm concerned - is somehow dealt with.

Abandoned homes become magnets for vandalism and crime. They drag down the property values of neighboring homes.

Here in New York, we are already seeing how climate change contributes to increasingly violent and extreme weather that has cost us dearly, in both damage and in lives.

We've sued out-of-state power plants that are polluting our air and led a coalition of attorneys general from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, and Massachusetts against efforts in the U.S. House of Representatives to remove critical environmental regulations that protect New York communities from toxic pollution.

There's nothing wrong with advocating for your own company.

In the 1960s, the public demanded seat belts in cars, but automakers balked. Not until government intervened did seat belts become standard equipment. Now, no one would consider buying a vehicle without this basic safety feature.

If the Treasury Department should not remove Hamilton from the $10 bill, what should they do? The answer is fairly simple: Replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.

The memory of the 146 people who lost their lives in the Triangle Shirtwaist fire stands as a reminder that legal protections and workplace safety standards were won through a long struggle for social justice and at great human cost.

History teaches that the overwhelming majority of elected officials follow movement builders outside government when it comes to the new and risky... Once you recognize it, demand it and reward it, it will happen.

Every New Yorker has the right to clean air, safe drinking water, and healthy communities to raise their children - and you can rest assured that I will aggressively protect that right, not just on Earth Day, but every day.

My job is to enforce the law, without fear or favor.

New Yorkers have been fortunate to have Andrew Cuomo as our Attorney General - protecting working New Yorkers against the banks, insurance companies and big corporations.

New Yorkers must be able to trust the men and women of the NYPD. They must come forward to report crimes. And they must come forward as witnesses.

Exercising the right to vote is essential to our democracy.

Exxon Mobil and JPMorgan Chase each made more in profits in the first quarter of 2012 alone than the entire state budget of Montana. Without a doubt, multinational corporations like these have the resources to overwhelm the voices of the people.

We can prevent unfair advantage, and we can avoid the destabilizing effect that high frequency trading can have.

My actual statement during the campaign was I want to be the sheriff of Wall Street, Albany and Main Street. I'm going to go after crime and corruption, wherever it is.

Ninety-five percent of the work in the attorney general's office is civil litigation and regulatory work, and I think I certainly have a lot more experience in that than most of the folks who have served in the office.

Unlike most traditional, season-long fantasy sports sites, which make most of their money from administrative fees and advertising, FanDuel and DraftKings take a cut of every bet. That is what bookies do, and it is illegal in New York.

Daily fantasy sports is much closer to online poker than it is to traditional fantasy sports.

Every day, in every city and town across the country, police officers are performing vital services that help make their communities safer.