We appeal to Conservatives who just can't see themselves voting for the corruption and the scandals and the contempt of parliamentary institutions. And of course, we also appeal to people in other parties who are disappointed in their own leadership.

It is personal - deep in my bones and my flesh - the knowledge that we squandered our chance to avoid the climate emergency; to act when it would have been so much easier, as we did to stop acid rain, to save the ozone layer.

I was known as an activist, described by CBC's 'The Fifth Estate' as 'the 23-year-old waitress who stopped the pulp company dead in its tracks.' Without knowing it was even possible, my activism helped me gain admission to Dalhousie University law school.

For all my life I have had a deep connection to the natural world.

The real dynamic is that when Greens are in the debates, Conservatives don't do as well.

There's a lot I'd like to be able to talk about with relation to Stephen Harper, particularly why is he afraid to debate in English?

I've never made any statements about the abortion issue at any time in my life - never retreating one inch - from a woman's rights to legal abortion. Ever.

I'm not interested in a balance of power in order to have power for the Green party. What I'm interested in is the balance of responsibility.

We were the first party to call for equal marriage.

I think the majority of politicians keep their positions for too long.

Sovereigntism and separatism they are… it may seem like it's splitting hairs, but a lot of Quebecers are sovereignists - they respect the sovereignty of Quebec. They're not interested in separating.

I apologize that I made an attempt to be funny and edgy… and it didn't work.

My funny speech wasn't funny. That's not the first time a politician has done that.

I wouldn't want anyone to think I was less than respectful for the people with whom I work.

If you're serious about climate targets, you don't build and expand the oil sands and move from coal-fired electricity to inefficient fracked gas.

The reality is that Rachel Notley's adherence to pipelines and exporting raw bitumen doesn't make sense for Alberta's economy and it doesn't make sense for Canada.

I would urge Rachel Notley to be more like Peter Lougheed. Lougheed had a sensible plan for the oil sands, which involved ancillary infrastructure like upgraders and refineries.

I think it's quite unlikely that I'll be the leader of the Green party going into a future election if it's on anything like a four-year timing.

It's not as if being leader of the Green party is something that I do because I love being leader of the Green party. I love the Green party and this is a service.

To improve humanity's chances of survival, it is critical that Canada assume a leadership role, first ramping up our own ambition and then pushing for more ambition overall in global negotiations.

I wanted to repeat we cannot vote confidence at any point on a confidence motion in a government that fails to have a climate target that's ground in science and consistent with what the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says we must do.

I believed Justin Trudeau in 2015. I thought he would be a climate leader. I was wrong.

I'm fair-minded, maybe. Maybe I bend over backward to give people too much benefit of the doubt. And I'll give credit where credit is due.

One of the things I hate about politicians, I shouldn't say I hate things, but one of the things I hate about politics is people who repeat the same talking point over and over and over again.