None of us want to ever face a choice between putting food on the table or paying rent.

We are not strangers to poverty in New Mexico.

My mother was a stay-at-home mom until I turned 14, and up to that point, we were made to study hard after school each day, and appreciate what my dad called 'a free education.'

We can't afford to compromise on anything we have fought for - abortion is legal in our country, and I will do everything in my power to stand up for the rights of women and all people to choose when and how they build a family.

We must be welcoming to those who flee their country because of violence and abject poverty in hopes of a better future - that's who we are as Americans.

As a country, we should be moving forward, but instead conservative lawmakers keep dragging us back.

When my daughter Somah was young, I didn't have much money. But I was fortunate to find a preschool where I could volunteer in exchange for lower tuition. I saw firsthand how an early childhood education shaped my daughter's success.

I want every young Indigenous girl to think about getting involved in their communities. You're never too young to help with community efforts.

Moving to 100 percent renewable energy is a good economic opportunity, one that the U.S. must seize before other nations take full advantage of it.

There is no justifiable reason why our electricity, heating and cooling and transportation needs aren't powered by 100 percent renewable energy.

Racism and bigotry should never fuel any administration's policies. Calls to send anyone 'back' contradict who we should be as a country and the ideals for which we stand.

There is no moral high ground from which President Trump or any of his followers can tell anyone to leave this country, because they are not the first inhabitants of this land. They should instead look into their history to learn where, when and why their ancestors came to this country.

We must ensure full access to all reproductive health services, including abortion. We must also provide for our aging population, ensuring our parents and grandparents have the care they need. We must defend Medicare, expand Social Security, and provide tax credits for families who care for their elders and loved ones with disabilities.

The provision of healthcare in America has been a major policy issue for many decades. From the establishment of Medicare & Medicaid to the Affordable Care Act, we have struggled to find a solution for not just providing access to healthcare - but also becoming a healthier population.

Renewable energy and climate change are very important to a lot of people, because we need jobs and we really, really believe that we can create jobs by moving down a path toward 100 percent renewable energy.

I wasn't raised to make history. In high school and family, no one around me was politically involved, and few of my friends planned to attend college or even thought about it.

I have spent my life fighting for the underrepresented and I am working tirelessly to be New Mexico's champion in Congress.

Growing up in my mother's Pueblo household, I never imagined a world in which I would be represented by someone who looked like me.

The Violence Against Women Act didn't have specific provisions for Indian country until 2013, which is really sad. It's Native women who are the most vulnerable.

Any type of anti-Semitism in any form needs to be soundly rejected.

During my elementary and middle school years, my mother made me and my siblings' lunches every single day - this was affordable for a Marine climbing the ranks and supporting a family of six.

We are pushing for Medicare-for-all. That's an economic issue - it really is. And if we can work toward a fair, more-equitable system for working families, everybody would have health care.

Loss of natural areas threatens our water supply, national security, farms, and health.

We have to protect our democracy.