Children whose parents return to study do much better at school. Offenders who persist with studies are much less likely to reoffend. The national mental health strategy recognises the important role adult learning can play for people recovering from mental illness.

We've got to get back to old-fashioned politics that's in touch with the people we seek to represent and to avoid self-inflicted wounds.

I'm in favour of a sensible development of response units and their deployment in any circumstance where there may be a risk to the officers themselves or the neighbourhood they're in. I'm not in favour of a blanket arming of the police.

Balancing the common good with the freedom and liberty to exercise that individuality has been and remains a challenge for those committed to democracy while understanding that the polis ensures our participation and therefore our citizenship.

It is a mistake to separate learning for work and for community and personal development.

Strengthening our identity is one way of reinforcing people's confidence and sense of citizenship and well-being.

We should all be proud of who and what we are.

I'll absolutely be focusing in on the defense of this nation and making sure that our men and women have the proper tools, training, and equipment to do their jobs, that they have clear rules of engagement and, in the event that something happens to them, that we have a VA system that actually works.

I have a track record of going out and talking to my constituents and then standing up and representing them. That's what people want.

I love being the underdog.

My priority is to repeal the Iran Nuclear Deal and vote to do that. I think it's extremely dangerous... you don't negotiate with terrorists.

If you are going to stand for the rule of law, if you are going to raise your hand and support the constitution, then you need to follow the law.

I don't look at polls. It's about results. And every single time that people have had an opportunity to vote for me, we've been on top.

I went to, while I was in the military, Western New England College for my MBA and New England School of Law for my law degree.

I grew up in a military family. My father spent 26 years in the Air Force.

I don't know any elected Democrats that I get along with.

I'm running against the Democrats. I'm running against evil.

I believe Colorado needs representation from a conservative who has worked his way through the types of obstacles with which nearly all middle-class and lower-income people struggle.

I have been going into the underserved neighborhoods and talking to people and letting them know that the conservative message does work. Conservatives need to realize that you actually have to go in there and ask for the vote.

When we put country first, it's amazing that we're going to be able to bring people together instead of dividing America.

I'm standing up for the American people.

I'm willing to work with anybody that will put the country first.

Michael Bennet can't possibly understand the impact of flooding our job market with workers that aren't citizens of this country, and when we fight, they call us racist. When did wanting to feed your family become racist?

I'm dedicated to healing the wounds between police and minority communities so both sides feel safe again.