I don't want to take away deferred status from anyone who has it, but I also didn't want to send the message that it is OK to come here illegally.

If we are going to change this country's laws, we need to have pro-life members of both parties.

It's not easy being a pro-life Democrat.

Protection of unborn children must be a legislative priority in the 112th Congress, and I look forward to leading this bipartisan coalition of pro-life members with Chris Smith as we continue our work to protect innocent human life.

All tax incentives do is make it cheaper to borrow for transportation projects. But you still have to pay that money back.

I think we have to acknowledge that the way to get back into the majority into the Congress and pick up seats is to make sure we are a big-tent party and reaching out to people that are moderate and not just push to the left.

American workers have lost jobs and businesses have been damaged because of cyber attacks, and that's why it will continue to be a top priority of mine to put the necessary resources in place to help our nation prepare for and combat future cyber attacks.

Every day, we learn of more cyber attacks in our nation and around the world. In the United States, these attacks have the potential to destroy our military and economic security and, perhaps, impact the process we use to elect our leaders.

The United States needs to be a leader in scientific research.

We need to focus on jobs.

We need a first-class transportation system.

For TPP to get my vote, it must benefit America's middle class, raise wages, and safeguard the consumer and environmental protections that we rely upon.

We should not allow a trade treaty to take precedence over our own laws and regulations.

TPP replicates similar language from past trade agreements that has allowed foreign corporations the right to challenge U.S. federal, state, and local laws outside of American courts. These tribunals will not meet our high standard of transparency and due process, and they will rely on weak impartiality rules for selecting judges.

I would like to believe that TPP will lead to more exports and jobs for the American people. But history shows that big trade agreements - from NAFTA to the Korea Free Trade Agreement - have resulted in fewer American jobs, lower wages, and a bigger trade deficit.

With increased growth in the U.S. population, especially in urban areas, transport bottlenecks will only become more frequent and severe.

We must invest in our nation's transportation infrastructure.

U.S. trade policy has been a disaster for American workers.

While so many Americans are still struggling to find good jobs, and our manufacturing sector continues to need a boost, it is only common sense to ensure that taxpayer dollars put Americans to work rather than those outside our borders.

The promise of autonomous vehicles is great.

Driverless cars are coming to your street - the only question is, 'When?'

Effective cybersecurity policy will depend on active and continued collaboration between public and private sectors.

We need to find innovative ways to dramatically ease congestion, improve personal mobility, and cut energy use.

As a member of Congress, I participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program under the same rules as millions of other federal employees.