We should not look at terrorism from the nameplates - which group they belong to, what is their geographical location, who are the victims. These individual groups or names will keep changing.

I am most familiar with the Gujarati language.

It is my absolute belief that Indians have unlimited talent. I have no doubt about our capabilities.

My entire childhood was steeped in poverty. For me, poverty, in a way, was the first inspiration of my life, a commitment to do something for the poor.

I'm not in favour of dividing Hindus and Sikhs. I'm not in favour of dividing Hindus and Christians. All the citizens, all the voters, are my countrymen.

France and Germany have the manufacturing and skill base which is useful to us. France is our dependable strategic partner.

I have always believed in evolving a consensus before taking any major decision.

I have been into social work since 45 years, and at an average, every day for one or two hours, I have been engaging in social discourses. It is not a small thing.

Our country does not believe in the concept of your God and my God. We believe that all gods are one. We have different ways of accepting Him. All ways lead to Him.

I am confident my Hindutva face will be an asset when dealing with foreign affairs with other nations.

My mother is not educated but keeps in touch with world events through news on TV.

If you were to ask me to choose between democratic values and wealth, power, prosperity and fame, I will very easily and without any doubt choose democratic values.

Even in this globalised world, London is still the standard for our times. The city has embraced the world's diversity and represents the finest in human achievements.

From my intimate discussions with President Obama, it is evident that India figures significantly in American geo-political, economic and strategic thinking. India is the largest democracy in the world.

Peace can only thrive when the climate is right. We remain open to bilateral dialogue with Pakistan on all outstanding issues in an environment free from terrorism and violence.

I have been a firm believer in the federal structure of our country as enshrined in the Constitution.

Canada is rich in hydrocarbons and other natural resources... India's requirements and Canada's surplus are a perfect match.

I believe growth should be constant, sustained and inclusive. It's only meaningful if these three things are there. Otherwise they're just economic figures.

America has absorbed people from around the world, and there is an Indian in every part of the world. This characterizes both the societies. Indians and Americans have co-existed in their natural temperament.

I have spoken about inflation, unemployment, farmers' problems, security, etc. I keep talking about these issues. I seek answers from the Indian government.

India does not need to become anything else. India must become only India. This is a country that once upon a time was called the golden bird.

Even after Independence, we have had to face the poison of casteism and communalism. How long these evils will continue? Whom does it benefit?

The government has completed the entire process to do away with interviews for lower rank jobs. There will be no requirement of interview for Group D,C and B non-gazetted posts in central government.

I fully understand the expectations of the state governments. Thus, I am better placed to work closely with the chief ministers.