If you want to look right now under Obama who our enemies are, just look at who he is nice to.

I'm running for Congress to reverse Obama's big government policies, to be faithful to the principles on which our nation was founded, and to make members of Congress play by the same rules as the rest of us.

We are in a conflict, whether we like it or not. I think we have to identify the enemy and call it by its name. And the enemy is an ideology rooted in militant Islam.

Serving on the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight allows me to play a role making government more accountable by investigating waste, mismanagement, and improprieties.

You can get elected to Congress without ever talking to black voters at all, and I think that's bad for the party.

The American people deserve to know exactly which laws the Obama Administration is refusing to enforce and why.

President Obama has not only failed to uphold several of our nation's laws, he has vowed to continue to do so in order to enact his unpopular agenda.

We saw how a lot of companies charge upwards of $1500 for a basic LSAT course, and we all thought that is simply way too much, even if the instruction was good.

My constituents support Israel.

I sympathize with the victims of Hurricane Sandy and believe that those who purchased flood insurance should have their claims paid.

One of the things that was missing from the 2014 election was a Contract With America type of platform.

When President Obama took office, I was transitioning out of the military and just seeing that he was taking the country in a direction that I didn't think was consistent with the Founding Fathers and with our constitutional roots.

If your goal is to destroy ISIS, there needs to be a ground force. It could be American or foreign.

Washington was a swamp. It was not somewhere that they believed people would want to go, so the idea was that people got involved as a public service, not to make a career out of it.

If Congress adds 5 percent to the debt, then their pay should be cut by 5 percent.

Never wear a button-down collared shirt with a double-breasted suit. The more formal double-breasted suit looks best with the more formal spread or long-point collar.

An ascot is never a substitute for a well-tied four-in-hand tie or a slightly disheveled bow tie.

Nothing ruins the lines of a suit or blazer and makes you look more like a doofus than when your pockets are crammed with stuff - a wallet, a cell phone, keys, a calculator, a calendar, pens, etc.

I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays. It was my first political trick.

What sets seersucker apart from other materials? It's the 'coolest' material to wear in hot and humid weather. 'Coolest,' as in temperature, and 'coolest' as in hip, baby! There is nothing like it.

Above all, avoid the Indiana Jones fedora. It's very yesterday, and if you wear a black one, you might be mistaken for an Orthodox Jew.

Stone's Rules exist because sometimes the truth is too painful, and the lies will land you in prison.

Let's be very clear, if you check the F.E.C. records you will see I am supporting George W. Bush.

Obviously a candidate has to be held responsible for the words that come out of his mouth, regardless of where they came from.