The vote is the last great equalizer that we have in this country.

If someone were lying on the road dying would it matter to you who came to save you? If it was a Democrat or a Republican, would it matter?

Our Revolution has been the keeper of the flame doing the vital work of building a grassroots movement that leverages the people's agenda.

Redistricting reform is one of the most important issues we can tackle.

You would think people who call themselves pro-life would want to make sure that our children are educated, that people could work and live a good life, that you can take a vacation every now and then.

I think it is wrong to balance the budget on the backs of local government.

I'm interested in running for an office that would allow me the opportunity to work harder and do a better job for the citizens of this state, and I will not rule out any office that gives me that ability.

Our state is great, but it can be greater and I am committed to helping realize that potential.

My family was always there for me, and believe in me whether I have a title or not.

We need to deliver efficient, transparent government.

We can't solve all of our problems in a short time.

Cleveland is my hometown.

I was director of governmental affairs at the Cleveland school district. I served in the administration of Mayor Michael R. White.

If you care about potholes, you have to vote. If you care about pre-k education, you have to vote. If you care about women's health care, you have to vote.

It hasn't been for a lack of trying. But we really have to analyze in a deeper way why we have these problems - at least at the state level - electing an African-American.

There is no reason why the right Democratic nominee can't win Ohio. President Obama did it twice in 2008 and 2012.

I'll never forget when I was running, when I was knocking on doors for my first office as I served as a Cleveland city councilwoman and to have older men say to me, 'Can you do this and be a wife and a mother?' Excuse me? Women make the world go round. We multitask... But to have that kind of condescending question asked of me in modern times.

Strong communities start at the ballot box - where every eligible Ohioan has the opportunity to make their voice heard.

As the quintessential swing state, Ohio has been on the front lines of battles to restrict access to the vote and make government less transparent. Conservatives know that they can't win without putting a thumb on the scale of electoral outcomes.

You never get to too big to phone bank, that's my opinion.

I am a black woman, last time I checked.

Early voting is a vital component of the electoral landscape in Ohio.

The GOP will not be satisfied until women are barefoot, pregnant and back home by 5 o'clock P.M. to cook dinner.

Most men that run for office wake up in the morning and say, I am worthy to be the president of the United States of America. I want women to channel their inner man and say, Oh yeah, I am worthy.