You can give to Americans for Prosperity or something else - a variety of different ways to push back against the party of government.

Don't fall in love with the map. The map doesn't win elections.

After 1994, the public had the impression we Republicans overpromised and underdelivered.

Some contend that, by fulfilling our promise to the American people, we're somehow trying to go back to the way things were before ObamaCare - which we all know is untrue.

It took us in this country 11 years to get from the Declaration of Independence to the Constitution.

It's time Congress got its priorities straight.

I don't in any way think the American people rejected the Republican Party, or we'd be in a lot worse shape than we are.

No matter what a candidate for president may say during the campaign, once someone is sworn in, they are constrained by the Constitution - about what the Constitution allows and doesn't allow, what the law allows and doesn't allow.

I thought the Pence selection ought to reassure the right-of-center voters that a Trump administration would be a right-of-center administration.

The country doesn't need saving.

Our nation has a regrettable history of drawing down our forces and readiness after each conflict, only to find ourselve ill-prepared for the next great struggle.

I'm not going to critique every utterance of the president.

We need to be honest with the public.

I think it's a time to be sad about what's been done to the United States Senate, the greatest deliberative body in the world.

Americans are too speedy.

You know, 'Professor Obama' has been a label applied to him by Republicans and Democrats alike. He's a very smart guy. But I think he'd be, you know, better served not to spend so much time trying to impress us with his particular position on an issue and understand that there are things upon which we simply have a disagreement.

I don't want to sound like a whiner here, but if you get beat up all the time, it affects you.

President Obama had two Supreme Court nominees in his first term. There was no filibuster against them.

Bills should go through committee.

I think we need to respect the wishes of voters. They have been busily at work making these decisions in primary after primary after primary.

It is time for a leader who will lead.

So in the House and Senate, we own the budget. So what does that mean? That means that we can pass the spending bill.

A reporter asked recently, 'What keeps you up at night?' I replied that I generally sleep well, but if I ever do have trouble, I don't have to count sheep. I count all the states I'm glad I'm not the governor of.

Things happen in American politics in the political center. If the President will meet us in the center, there are things we can accomplish.